Find your two highest ranking traits below and read up on how they affect your studying and test-taking. Then click the big green buttons to take the next step to passing!

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 If you ranked highly in Certainty you operate inside the box. 

Structure, stability, checklists... things like that are important to you. Your motto is “better safe than sorry“. You minimize risk. 

What’s the problem with that? 

  • It can mean you get overwhelmed with checking off the boxes.

  • It leads to listening to advice from an authority figure and following it even if it’s not suitable for you.

  • You may find yourself “going down with the ship”.

  • You may be convincing yourself that if you “just follow the process“ it’ll work.

Except it’s not possible.

The process is general. Those study plans are geared towards hundreds and thousands of test takers. But you are unique. You need specific. Which means your study plan will likely look different from the “tried and true".

You have to be willing to change how you do things. For you, staying the same is risky business.

So here’s the new mindset you need to adopt:  let go of being right. Risk it now, during practice, so that you can win it later on your actual exam. Take advantage of free trial periods on your study resources and really measure your results to see if that study plan works for you. Dive into practicing questions, even if you would rather no more first. Celebrate your Divine showing you what you need to study through the use of getting answers wrong during your practice sessions.

Use this quiz and its results, in conjunction with our Exam Ready Workshop, to quickly identify which study resources will work perfectly for you (and which won’t). Further use our workshop to specifically tailor your studying to yourself so that you may pass your exam the next time.



If you ranked highly in Distinction, freedom and flexibility float your boat. You shun the box. You’re attracted to competition and opportunities to display your abilities.

Do you drive a nice model car, strive to one-up people on gift giving or prefer to live in the nicest house on the block?

What’s wrong with any of that? 


But the cookie cutter study plans depend on structure. Too much structure is detrimental to the Distinction’s soul.

  • Give yourself options.

  • Give yourself stimulation.

  • Use checking off the calendar as motivation.

  • And lean on your learning superpower. It makes studying fun and easy.  

(Don’t know what you’re learning superpower is? Find out more about that inside our Exam Ready workshop).

Your mindset shift needs to be “don’t quit”. Stay the course and live the rest of your life as a champion. Mastering your self is the price you must pay for achievement. Passing your exam is the trophy you’ll bring home. 

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Is your highest ranking trait Wisdom? 

If so, early in life during your childhood education or later you were known for exceptional intelligence.  You came to enjoy learning, studying, and even test taking. You likely raised your hand often to answer questions in class. You were rewarded for always knowing the right answer. That has developed into a strong ego aversion to ever being wrong. You depend heavily on gathering all the facts and data before making a decision.  Yet you need to see the big picture before any of those small details mean a thing to you. 

So what’s so bad about that? 

First, because of your aversion to getting things wrong, you will be hit the hardest if you fail a test. If you have failed an exam your counterparts were likely baffled as to why.  You’re so smart! You get caught in a negative feedback loop based on past failed results that will make you hold back and waste even more time deliberating before your next attempt. (You have to break this feedback loop so you can move on).

Your need to weigh all the facts and figures (more so than is necessary) causes you to run out of time on the exam. Despite your ability to quickly see the big picture, make sense of a situation, and spot the right answer on an exam, your need to deliberate causes you to look for support for your chosen answer before you can move on. So you run out of time and either have to rush through the rest of your exam, fill in bubbles randomly, or leave your exam incomplete. 

You will also discount helpful material just because you don’t like the presentation, you found a typo, or you think the presenter doesn’t know their stuff. This may cause you to miss out on the very resource that could’ve gotten you past the finish line of your exam.

What’s your needed mindset shift?

In your case the right mindset and unconditional self-confidence is everything.

You have to quit the learning and start the practicing if you’re going to pass the exam. The ability to think highly of yourself, even when you get questions wrong, is going to get you through all the practice sessions you must complete in order to ace your exam. 

You also must adopt the mindset of weighing future costs against present investments. In the short term, an investment to pass your exam may seem steep, but weigh that against the long term cost of:

  • taking and failing your exam

  • losing money and job opportunities

  • paying to retake the exam

not to mention the opportunity cost from the time you’ll have to spend studying all over again.

Do the long-term math to determine whether a resource is right for you instead of shunning it right off the bat because of presentation or cost. 

In our Exam Ready workshop you will learn exactly what must be done in your study and practice sessions before you can pass your exam. You have special considerations since your hang-ups are not academic. For you, extra-academic factors weigh more heavily on your success. The Exam Ready workshop will walk you through those factors and help you fine-tune your study time so it’s the most efficient for you and finally gets you past the exam. 



If you ranked high in Community the good of the whole is most important to you than your individual achievement. This doesn’t mean you don’t want to be recognized for your contributions. But you thrive on contributions. You want to find a way to make things okay for everyone—and you appreciate their acknowledgement of your efforts.

You are a loyal to your friends and longtime coworkers and may have an over-developed sense of loyalty to your employer. You thrive in situations where you work together with your team members to achieve a great goal. You want to know that you’ve brought something very valuable to the table and that what you brought helped others greatly. You find great joy in making life easier for people be it your family, your coworkers, or your superiors.  You are likely the first person anyone goes to when they need help. Because you often put the team, your family, or your friends before yourself. These are all great traits... to a point.

What’s bad about it? 

The downside is you may need to (but find yourself unable to) prioritize your study time above all other activities. You feel guilty (even scared) when you prioritize yourself. You may have a horrible memory of someone rejecting you when you said ‘no’ to their needs in favor of your own. Now, you may feel an uncontrollable urge to drop your studies whenever a friend or family member has an “emergency”.

If you carefully review your history with this exam (unfortunately repeated attempts at the same exam may be already be a reality for you) you may see that other people’s needs and emergencies cropping up before your exam is a steady pattern. On the other hand, isolating yourself and cutting off friends and family in order to study for an exam long-term doesn’t work either.  You may get away with it for a week or two but eventually your heart will betray you. 

There is a specific way you need to go about studying that will fill your heart as well as meet your needs for academic preparation.

But studying in a manner that meets your heartfelt needs isn’t enough.

You also need to lean on your learning superpower and schedule your studies in a way that makes sense to your brain and makes sense for your life. Balancing study, work, family and other responsibilities will be crucial for you.  Trust me when I tell you it’s really important that you click to the next page and watch the video, plus read the details, so that you can find a solution that will help you finally pass your exam.