Aspiring Esquire

🛑 🛑Is Your Life On Hold? 🛑 🛑 

Is hope waning as more time passes since graduation day?

Are old classmates progressing on their junior associate years while you’re still trying to pass the Bar?

Are you juggling work or family with Bar study?

Are you shocked that you failed and don’t know what the real culprit was?

Or did you see it all along and just not know how to stop it?

I can help!

This is exactly why Bar Exam Mentor, it’s program, and it’s offerings exists.

I help repeat Bar Exam Takers kick start their confidence, process their past results in a constructive way, feel good and solid about walking into the next Bar Exam, shorten their path between graduation and ‘Bar Card’ and do the most important thing differently this time, so they can leave this Bar Exam in the past for good!

What’s the Most Import Thing???


Together, we break through the inner blocks that are holding Exam takers back, so they can pass the Bar, finally step into their attorney dreams, and so much more. But, addressing mindset for the Bar Exam does more than help you pass the Bar. It changes your trajectory for LIFE! Success becomes the norm in career building, goal achieving and living a meaningful life.

Schedule a quick info talk to find out how I can help.