Crucial Legal Networking tool. Don't network without it.

If you’re here you know the importance of the right mindset when approaching anything that is important to you, especially your legal career building. Use this visualization to prep your mind and heart for authentic networking that gets you results.

🌟  Get past overwhelm

🌟  Feel you are enough

🌟  Believe that you are valuable asset, and

🌟  Know with conviction that you are acting for the good of all involved (NOT being a leech), as you step into that networking event.

Use this visualization just prior to attending your event. It will calm your nerves, infuse you with confidence and help you fluidly introduce yourself and strike up conversation in a genuine way. For faster, more concrete results, use this meditation every day leading up to your event. You’ll get the added benefit of a quick time-out and recharge in the middle of your busy days.

After you fill out the form and submit, you will receive an email with a link to your download. But it does no good sitting in your mail box, make sure to use it