Are you Ready to Pass the Bar?

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Be done with the Bar Exam in 2019

Ask anyone. The bar exam is like--70% mindset.

Prioritize your Bar Exam Mindset.

You’ve probably already purchased your Bar Review course, gathered your supplements, asked for, or at least planned for, any support you’ll need while you study. But you can’t use those resources wisely if you’re:

  • spinning out of control every time you get an answer wrong during practice,

  • repeatedly telling yourself you’re a poor test taker (or did so in the past),

  • letting others intrude on your study time, or

  • not giving yourself proper care and loving attention.

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If you’re taking the 13-hour-a-day study route, shouldering pressure from your family or work, or you’re taking the Bar for the 2nd or more time, feeling all alone & a little less confident…

I have a gift for you.

It’s a start to a successful Bar Exam mindset.

Use mindset support in conjunction with your academic study support. It’s a pathway to increased control, confidence, and calm on your Bar Exam day.

Choose your Gift Below