Who is a fit?

The Beat the Bar!™ workshops, products and programs were created for people who are absolutely determined and dead serious about passing the Bar.  You are ready to go ALL OUT and you were just looking for the perfect tool to help you do that. You know you need a mindset shift and Beat the Bar!™ is the tool to give you that. Along with a personal mindset mentor, nothing is getting in your way this time.

You may have tried other things in the past and they failed you. If that’s you, here’s what I also know: you did not make it this far through law school and the Bar to stop now. You’re ready to give it all you’ve got, even more than you thought you were capable of, and you just need the coach to support you, encourage you, spot your weaknesses so you can shore up and win this!

What’s expected?

You spend one hour every other week on the phone for a mentor session and apply exercises throughout the week. You check in with me whenever anything comes up and I walk you right through your mindset hurdles and on to SUCCESS!

Beat the Bar!™  was created for you to create the mindset shifts that help you

  • see what’s holding you back,

  • map out your journey from ‘Bar taker’ to ‘Bar passer’

  • prioritize your success actions,

  • recognize when you’re hitting the wall,

  • uncover the internal elements tripping you up,

  • get past the resistance, and

  • move on to accomplish the task in front of you, be it

  1. studying,

  2. saying 'no' to a family member,

  3. creating boundaries at work or

  4. taking care of yourself…whatever you need to do to pass the Bar.                                                            

If you’re a self-supporting, high-achieving person who ditches the excuses and goes hard for your goals instead, we will work well together.

These types of people are committed to their success no matter what. They just need help with deep self-awareness, so they can reclaim their power and determine their own trajectory.

They need a proven system to effectively get past their blocks and accomplish their goals. 

My clients have the resourcefulness to come up with what they need to close the gap, including enlisting me in their rank of supporters to pass the Bar. 

My clients see what they’re doing with me as a useful tool to shortcut years and thousands of dollars spent in a therapist’s chair, going round the Bar Exam cycle, hopping from review course to review course and eventually risking giving up.    

You will be expected to take serious action, honoring this life transforming mindset journey you’re about to take.  

No more excuses--just a very different way of thinking about the Bar and full support while you achieve this incredibly exciting goal: Beat the BAR!        

For what type of professionals are your programs NOT going to work?     

The Beat the Bar!™ program is NOT for those who lack self-direction or independence.  If someone else has to okay your every move, you have to check with someone before you can say yes to yourself, there are other self-empowerment systems that you should start with before taking this course (or becoming an attorney). 

Like and Follow my Facebook page for actionable advice that will get you primed, empowered, and ready to commit to working the program and passing the Bar. 

This program is also not for victims who love their excuses.  You can have excuses or work with me to pass the Bar.  You can’t have both.  My clients know that they themselves hold the power to make a change.

If you’re not a good fit, I won’t let you waste your time or investment or take up a spot that would be better suited for someone who will do the work and get results from the program.

In Beat the Bar!™ we work together one-on-one and it would be dishonoring to myself, and unfair to you, to choose to work together when we’ve got irreconcilable differences.

Without a warm relationship of trust, you won’t open up, you’ll have difficulty exploring those inner recesses of your mind with me and uncovering your blocks will be more difficult than it has to be. I won’t offer you a seat if I see this to be the case. Instead, I’ll suggest you continue following along in the group until, in your heart, you’re in a place where you can commit to doing the work.

If you’ve got a partner who needs to be on board with your investment, let him or her know that you’ll be having this call and discussing options to help you pass the Bar.

If your partner is any type besides the “Yes, honey I support you and stand behind you 100%” bring that up on the call and I will coach you around that. It’s not just your Ego wanting to keep you ‘safe’ here. Everyone has that safety mechanism called the Ego. Your partner needs information, facts, and most importantly your confidence. So, approach that conversation with love.

Other types of people I won’t work with are people who don’t value themselves, their goals, their time, or my time and would rather cling to excuses than to do what it takes and face what it takes, to pass the Bar.

Through law school we are taught to see the glass as half empty, identify whatever could possibly go wrong, and challenge every “fact” placed before you. 

Bargain for the best $deal$ and zealously advocate, when you get to the courtroom. 

If you want different results on the Bar Exam, so you can get into the courtroom to begin with, you must take different actions in this moment. 

In Beat the Bar!™ you must be coach-able, i.e. willing to suspend your judgments and beliefs and at least turn some new ideas over in your head for a little while and see if they make sense or sink in. You must be committed, putting up, showing up, doing the work, and definitely reaching out to me when you get stumped. You will get stumped. You’ve never done this before, not in the way I show you. So, you are learning, don’t be afraid or too proud to ask questions and grow.

Again, I stress, if what you had been doing in the past was enough to get you the results you desire, you would not be here right now.  So, suspend judgment, keep an open-mind, complete your pre- or post-call quiet time, schedule your calls right away and show up for them WITHOUT DISTRACTION. 

It is also best if you already have a Bar study review lined up, either one you signed up for or a study plan of your own.  If not, that’s okay, the clarity and freedom you’ll get through Beat the Bar!™ will allow you to commit the time and money necessary to take needed actions and pass the Bar.  But you need an academic study course.

If you are one of these people that I know I won’t work well with, I will not extend to you the opportunity to work with me.  It’s not fair to either of us to enter into a stressful, acrimonious relationship.   It also takes away the opportunity from someone who is truly open and ready to stop making excuses and pass the Bar.   If you know or suspect we won’t be a good fit, I gently and respectfully ask that you not schedule a call. If you’ve already scheduled, please utilize that 24 hour cancellation period (the cancellation button is in the confirmation email that you received).  

What is it like to work with you and what sort of results do people get?