"Ace the Bar without the stress and overwhelm using our 90-day game changer, Beat the Bar!™”

"Ace the Bar without the stress and overwhelm using our 90-day game changer, Beat the Bar!™”

What exactly is Beat the Bar!™ and what does it include?                                                               

 Beat the Bar!™ helps you get in focus, bypass your blocks and pass the Bar. 

Here’s what the System gets you to do:

Module 1: Where Are You? Get a handle on the people, problems and events that make up your life today.  You can’t know how to get to your end goal if you don’t know where you currently are.

Module 2:  Where To?  Paint a clear picture of what you want.  Get support in the exact steps to creating and obtaining your goals.  It’s a science, and easily repeatable once you learn it.  A repeatable Goal Blaster.  

Module 3:  How To Get There.   Map your steps to get you from stuck at the Bar to Swearing in.  Get knowledgeable support and wisdom in this step of the Repeatable Goal Blasting technique.   

Module 4:  Illuminate the Shadows within.  What stands between you and your goals?  Get intuitive guidance on the journey to uncover exactly what is holding you back. 

Module 5:  Overcome Resistance.  You get one-on-one, specific to you support as you face your Shadow learn to step into your power.

Module 6:  Take Action and Troubleshoot.  Here you will actively apply your Goal Blaster and Shadow Finder techniques getting one-on-one support while you hone your skills. 

Beat the Bar!™ begins with a clear vision of where you are, why you’re stuck there, what you want and how to get you there. It supplies support to zero-in on and overcome your blocks to success.  Then leads you to obtain peace of mind and focus for your studies.  Finally it generates a kick start of confidence so you can take the concrete steps you need to pass the Bar.                                                              

Does this really work? 

Yes! The result of our work is an approach to shifting your mindset and overcoming stumbling blocks so you can finally do what you desire--pass the Bar!  This one-on-one support guides you through your specific mental, emotional and life challenges in studying for and passing the Bar.  Clients get focused, are encouraged, feel supported and are confident leading up to the exam.  Combined with a competent academic study plan, you’ve got the keys to pass.  This process is proven and repeatable.  Once you pass the Bar you’ll see how you can apply it to achieving anything you want (See our case studies).

What you’ll get in Beat the Bar!™:

  • 6 one-on-one sessions with your Bar Exam Mentor

  • Bar prep meditation ( recorded meditations for download and use throughout the program )

  • Powerful recordings containing the teachings and aha moments you’ll obtain in our private sessions

You will also get:

  • Six-course modules

  • Short coaching assignments (as needed after a call)

Plus, if you’re ready to enroll by the end of your Confidence Kick Start Session you will get a…

Decisive Action Bonus: Pre-Bar Exam phone call

This is a “Booster” call with your mentor that takes place in the few days leading up to the Bar Exam. You know, the days you’re most likely to freak out or want to keep studying even though you should be relaxing—physically and emotionally preparing for the actual Exam.

This call gets you back to the right frame of mind (if you’ve veered off) and helps you maintain your cool (and sleep well), no matter what the voices in your head might be saying or doing.

Now, you see the formula. Now it’s time to incorporate this winning system into your Bar Exam strategy and implement!

So, what are you waiting for?…

I’m concerned with how I will get clarity, overcome my blocks, balance all my responsibilities, and study efficiently, much less, take care of my health, be happy and at peace, while trying to pass THE Bar…