Welcome to your transformational experience. 

One of the easiest ways we uncover our mindset barriers is to pay attention to the things that trigger us in life.  

A trigger is anything that elicits a strong emotional response. Think of any run-ins with your family members, falling out with a friend, annoying co-worker, etc.

Below is a link where you’ll download your worksheet.  First, follow the directions to fill out the worksheet as it pertains to yourself. List your good or desired personality traits on the A-side, and then on the B-side list the opposite of the traits.

Next, bring to mind a triggering event.  Think of the people in that situation that triggered you.  Then, write down their traits. This time, you’ll first write their negative side and then find the opposite, the positive side of those traits

The point is to come up with pairs of adjectives. 

Good, bad. 

Thoughtful, selfish. 

Careful, reckless. 

Get it?  

Fill out this worksheet for yourself.  Then do the activity as many times as necessary for other people and events that trigger you. 

The most important is listing the A-side & the B-side for yourself. 

But if you want to get some extra mindset work in during our one-time call, filling out the worksheet for other people who trigger you will give you more material to work with during our call.