A mindset shift to make this a peaceful and centered time…

The Bar Exam is right around the corner and you're JUST NOW realizing you need a mindset component to your bar prep. It's not enough to prepare the brain, you must prepare your mind. Stop freaking out. Pause the panic. Schedule this 60 minute call to pinpoint your blocks get past them and give yourself best odds on the Bar.

It is SO important to get mental/emotional support approaching this most pivotal moment of your legal career.


  • Lack of self-confidence

  • Fear of failure

  • General anxiety that something is wrong or off


What we do (the end result):

A mindset shift to relieve

  • anxiety,

  • fear of failure, &

  • self-doubt

and help you

  • remove distractions

  • set boundaries

  • stay motivated


to get you focused and confident for your big day.

How we do it (the recipe):

Pre-Call assessment - POINTS THE WAY to the mindset issue that is bound to block your success

Mindset session - Expert coaching to understand the source of your block, dissolve it during the call, and watch it dissipate

Post-call homework - Regular maintenance meditation to apply whenever this or other mindset blocks try to trip you up.

Hear From Past Clients

“I’m so happy with how much clarity our session yesterday has brought me. I continued to study with the deepest, uninterrupted focus and concentration for the rest of the day. [They] immediately noticed the peaceful state I was in last night after finishing up my studying.”
— M. Yared, J.D.
“I was in a super-negative state of mind; absolutely obsessed with the Bar and my life revolving completely around it. I was off on so many levels— operating out of fear, panic, and desperation; not knowing if I could get past the Bar. As much as I tried to use positive platitudes, the big negative energy was still in the background. …When I started working with Jennifer, I finally felt like I was on the right path. I felt free of the pressure. The desperation was gone. Everything loosened up and I could finally achieve what I wanted. I passed the Bar. “
— -Katrina Gomes, Esq.

It's not enough to prepare the brain, you must prepare your mind. Stop freaking out. Pause the panic. Schedule this 60 minute call to pin-point your blocks and get past them and give yourself best odds on the Bar.

Use this session to get peaceful and centered around this bar exam.

Get calm, peaceful, and centered by understanding the root of your fear and watching it dissipate, in 60 minutes with me, Jennifer Duclair, Esq., the Bar Exam Mentor.

”I didn’t question whether a Mindset Session would work for me. Most things are mind over matter. I did my research and found Jennifer to be a reputable individual, which proved to be true. After connecting with Jennifer, my studies changed, as did my perspective. The Bar Exam was no longer this big bad monster or be-all-end-all thing that I believed it to be in the beginning. I passed the New York Bar.
— Kawansi Taylor, Esq.