You feel the bar closing in on you, but don’t feel mentally ready.

What if you could get to optimum bar exam performance in less than 60 minutes?

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The Mindset Session is your path to peace and understanding that will clear away your anxiety, upset, confusion or lethargy & drastically increase your bar performance …even if you can’t pinpoint what exactly is wrong.



Becoming an attorney is stressful.

Many law grads know what they need to do to pass the Bar but there are 3 big problems

They're hustling 24/7:

Many law grads know all the things they should be doing and get a good percentage of it in. But they aren’t the right things, and they burn out trying to do it all. That leaves them with less mental and emotional resources to handle the curve balls of life and next thing you know, their whole career is in jeopardy!

They aren't experts at mindset:

They know something is wrong. Study performance is not as it should be. They’re distracted and procrastinating. Or they aren’t focusing and retaining the information as they should. They get discouraged because their progress isn’t reflecting the amount of mental and emotional effort put in and they can’t explain why.

The resources aren't available when they're frustrated and stuck:

In an effort to overcome the shortcomings of the bar prep world they invest in the wrong resources that just layer even more academic tips and tricks or offer surface solutions. They never get down to the root of their problem, even with therapy. Instead they end up diluting their energies between handling mindset issues and trying to pass the bar. No wonder they get stuck.

There is a clear-cut solution. The Mindset Session is available to get you back on track in 60 minutes or less.



You don’t need more information, you need RESULTS!

You don’t need another group class, you need ACTION!

You don’t need to become a mindset expert, you need a listening ear + laser focused strategies to get you past your stuck place and back to passing the bar.

You need the zero fluff no nonsense blueprint to getting past your stuff!

1. You need focused listening from a trained mentor who can hear the real message underlying your words.

2. Thought provoking questions that help you get past emotions and see what's really happening in your world

3. Expert guidance to enact the strategic moves (on a deep level--not just "asking for help") that will turn the situation around immediately.

All in 60 minutes or less!

A MINDSET SESSION isn’t just one more thing to pay for and put on the shelf.

It’s the ONE thing you NEED to do!

And that’s not just fluff. Here's what other bar takers like you are saying …

Just imagine what could you get done today if you could reclaim your time from all the worrying and rehasing?

60 Minute Mindset Session >>






About Jennifer  - Mobile.png

Attorney, Army Veteran, Mom, and Entrepreneur, Jennifer is a down-to-earth, heart-centered mentor and coach to law school graduates in the process of passing the Bar.

Jennifer thoroughly enjoys troubleshooting and coaching you through the specific factors that are stopping you from passing the Bar Exam. She’s helped hundreds of students through their Bar Exam prep, and each of her programs is tailored to help people just like you pass, too.

Clients love Jennifer so much they often come back for Attorney Life Coaching after passing the Bar! More than anything, her mission is to show law school graduates that there IS a different side of the Bar Exam that can be mastered so you can pass with flying colors. No matter what’s holding you back, Jennifer has the experience to coach you through it.


Purchase your Mindset Session today



Here's everything you will get in a mindset session

What we do (the end result):










How we do it (the recipe):

Pre-Call Check In points the way to the mindset issue that is hampering your studies the most so we get straight to the point.
Mindset Session Expert coaching to understand the source of your block, see how it's hampering you, plus work on it during the call to watch it dissipate.
Post-Call Amplifier I'll give you a specially designed mindset tool that you'll use on auto-pilot to supercharge your results long after your call is done. (Use it whenever mindset begins to trip you up again)

Get personally coached passed the issues that are keeping you from doing your best on the test and in life. You’ve come too far to stop short now.

Thank you so much for helping me uncover what was holding me back and what I was facing. I couldn’t piece together all the scattered feelings and emotions I had.

Before the Mindset Session, I was feeling very low, I think I have been at the lowest I’ve ever been.

Once I started to do the pre-call [check-in], I felt lighter.

Right now, I feel prepared. I feel prepared to take on the studying once more.

My head is clearer now. Thank you so much, Jennifer.”
— -Katrina Gomes, Esq.

Get your Mindset Session.
