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Dear Bar Exam taker,

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Are you experiencing any of these? 

  • Is the fear of failure holding you back?

  • Do you crave a community of like-minded people to help you get through this season of your life?

  • Do you need to make good on the time and money investment you’ve made to become an attorney?

  • Do you want to finally feel ready to take this exam?

  • Do you need help finding out what truly went wrong on your last attempts?

  • Do you need support to implement the changes necessary to pass?

  • Are you ready to actually enjoy your life and effectively “bar prep” at the same time?

If you’re tired of anxiety and uncertainty and would rather have stability, completion and the security of knowing you are enough to meet and excel in any situation, even the Bar Exam…

…Join a group of your peers on JOURNEY to Bar Exam Success and get the personal transformation to get you past the Bar and unto a fulfilling, beautiful life.

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You may not know where to start with your studies. You’ve tried it different ways none of it has worked. You’re stuck in constant experimenting.

You’re worried you’ll continue wasting time, energy, and resources going at this repeatedly. You hope to be done, but are anxious because repeating the Bar Exam multiple times is a reality law graduates face. You don’t want this to be you.

You’re not sure how you’ll handle the anxiety when you walk into the Bar Exam hall. You might Choke! What will it take to be “one and done” on this Bar Exam?

You may be on your second or third go round by now and are not sure what to change to actually pass this time. You gave everything you had, left no room for doubt, and you still failed those other times.

You’re feeling time and money pressure of needing to just be done with this.

You don’t want to be an emotional hot mess—again.

You know that the mental and emotional side of this Bar Exam has to be handled.

That’s why you’re here.

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A solution to the major culprits that prevent you from passing the Bar.

Join JOURNEY to Bar Exam Success


JOURNEY is a 4 month program that starts on November 1st and lets you:

-Get past sabotaging behavior and get consistent with your studies (in a way that’s right for YOU)

-Put the past disappointments and resulting fear of failure behind you, once and for all

-Clear your head of the noise…


-Surrounded and loved on by a group of like-minded souls


-Getting to know, value, and strengthen yourself, your real self

-Evolving into the brightest, most capable version of yourself

-Increasing your happiness quotient, and

-Creating a more satisfying life, even now.

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Before Jennifer and I started working together, I was terrified of the Bar Exam. I knew that I was educated and smart enough to be successful at it, but my mindset toward the Bar Exam was toxic. I was having a difficult time studying due to all of the “what ifs” swirling around in my mind.

Through JOURNEY, I began to realize that my journey to the Bar was not just a professional one, but a personal one. I began to examine the mindsets behind my limiting thought patterns and became able to see my way through to freedom. Now, I’m free to create the future that I want!
— Kristin B., J.D. 2019
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The California Bar released study results in March 2019. It showed that students who went through a “mindset intervention program”, during their Bar study, beat the overall state pass rate of 40.7%.

In July 2018, students who incorporated mindset strategies and study tips passed at a rate of 56%, doing about 15% better than the rest of the state.

The California Bar described this program as an audio message with stories from prior test takers and a module where students write letters to their future self. 

What You Get in Journey is WAAAY Better

In JOURNEY, you get personal mentoring from Jennifer Duclair, Esq., a Certified Jungian Life Coach who has taken the principles of mind and adapted them to help you glide through study season and ace the Bar Exam.

You get a supportive community of real people surrounding you. You get specific attention to your personal circumstances.

And, did I mention, real live people to talk to, reflect ideas off of, and get perspective on your situation so you can get out of your head and get back to studying?

If an audio program where you write yourself a letter gives you a 15% edge…


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maximize the investment you’ve already poured into becoming an attorney. minimize the risk of having to do this again. gain the benefits of growing holistically as you study for the bar.

In JOURNEY, you will be personally coached and guided to

tap into your own inner strength so you can:

🏆Easily find the right study options, and be certain about them.

🏆Unapologetically grab a hold of the support and tools you need in order to finish this.

🏆Leave stress and anxiety behind.

🏆Guard your study time.

🏆Sail through life issues or drama that crop up at the wrong moments

🏆Effectively handle wrong answers or missed issues during practice.

🏆Learn to trust your intuition and work from your strengths while studying and on the test itself.

🏆Rebuild self-trust to make good decisions, pick the right answers, and move forward without regret

🏆Feel cool and confident in the Bar Exam hall.

Journey is a 4 month supportive community coaching course led by Jennifer Duclair, Esq., the Bar Exam Mentor. The course starts November 1st and cycles again 4 months prior to each Bar Exam.

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In JOURNEY you get to free your mind from the rat race of the competitive world, and find inner peace while accomplishing your goals. You get to see your anxiety jitters dissipate and develop a deep knowing that you are ENOUGH—so you can move forward with internal power and succeed on the Bar Exam.

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#1- Access to 6 learning modules (short videos 10-20 minutes each) to understand the science of the mind, the irrational logic behind the things that block you, so you can get past those blocks and pass the Bar. (Value $1,200) Module Topics Include:

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  • Lightening your Load - Mindset shifts to tap into generosity and support that surround you in a guilt-free manner and free you up to focus on your studies.

  • Becoming Strong - Recognize and learn to fluidly move through resistance when it rears up in the forms of procrastination, family drama, illness etc., while you’re studying for the Bar.

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  • Solidifying Success- Learn and be guided through the mindset tools that make successful actions an automatic function of your life, instead of something you have to try hard for every day—everything just flows.

  • Refuel & Recharge - Learn the culprits behind motivation drain and refuel yourself to finish strong

  • Noise Control - Recognize and put your inner naysayer in it’s rightful place so you study in peace, keep emotionally balanced and enjoy pleasant emotions through the study season

  • Learning Retention - Troubleshoot information retention problems so they don’t creep up during the Bar.


#2- Receive 12 coaching calls to support and move you through bar exam season with loving accountability. Groups are kept small so you can have maximum time for laser coaching during our 60-90 minute zoom video coaching calls. What is laser coaching? When you’re repeatedly hitting a wall, running out of steam or can’t find the solution, laser coaching helps you get conscious knowledge of what’s holding you back so you can straighten it out and pass the Bar. (Value $4,500)

I feel confident to move forward knowing this group is here and I can talk to you if I need to. It’s just something about knowing you’re not completely alone.
— Bar Exam Taker 2019

#3- Private Facebook group for members only—a safe setting where you can open up and be uplifted—moderated by your lead mindset mentor, Jennifer Duclair.

#4- Email support - Send your study questions, & mindset challenges. Receive encouragement, guidance, and coaching support from me, in between coaching calls. (Value $1,200)


#5- Bonus: Academic Bar Exam tutor on-call for your study and strategy questions. Get academic direction with a mindset focus. Be supported in doing it the way it works for you. Have the assurance that your way works too!

#6- Bonus: Pre-recorded Meditations. You’ll get recorded meditations to tackle your biggest problems daily, in the privacy of your own home. Procrastination, low self-confidence, anxiety, sleep, and releasing past disappointment. You’ll get recordings on these topics and more. Enjoy calming benefits and faster mindset shifts by using meditation daily.


and the MEGA BONUS

Life-time Membership! You can retake the course and participate in LIVE coaching calls for as long as you need—until you pass the Bar! We’re with you every step of your journey.

The combined Value of this program’s features is over



But you can sign up for 6 payments of $272 or 12 payments of $155.

Paying in full saves you even more!

A one-time payment of $1500 means you save over $300 off the regular program payment plan price!

That’s your investment into yourself to secure your attorney future, relieve the burden from your loved ones, keep your sanity and well-being, and move on to the greater things in life.

Lock your lifetime membership in at this price!

Our 12-pay plan is the streeeechiest payment plan available


for a limited time there is a fast-action bonus if you sign up WITH ME over the phone. When you

1) show up to the call,

2) credit card in hand,

3) ready to sign up for JOURNEY by the end of our Confidence Kickstart call,

you will get a special ‘Thank You’ priced plan (reserved for decisive action takers only). Want the details?

We’re thank you for clearing up the energy by making a firm decision now instead of getting off the phone to “think about it” and letting indecision hang in the air (ick!"). We’re thanking you for saving us extra admin hours and expense of having to follow up with you and enroll you later. We’re thanking you by letting you

apply the 12 pay plan to the $1500 pay in full price! That means you get the savings of having paid in full, but spread out your payments for JOURNEY to $125 per month.

Again, this payment plan is only for decisive action takers who sign up on the call as a special thank you from me. JOURNEY for $125 per month is not available any other way—I promise.

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What happens upon Enrollment?:

When you sign up we will put your payment form on file to be auto-billed every month at the payment plan rate you choose.

Within 24 hours you will receive:

  1. A welcome email with a link to our secret JOURNEY to Bar Exam Success group. The community support and welcome party starts right away!

  2. Access to JOURNEY’S exclusive mailing list, which will be monitored daily. You can start emailing your mindset questions right away!

  3. An invitation to join our secret JOURNEY group on Facebook.

please bear in mind:

Enrollment is limited. Journey members get intensive support added to by your membership in our secret online group and through private email access. I hold your hand through Bar study season. I give my all. I find swift, decisive people make the best clients. So, I keep spaces limited and when the seats are gone, they’re gone.


*Weekly coaching calls (60 mins) led by me, Jennifer Duclair,Esq., the Bar Exam Mentor, (hosted on Zoom)

*6 learning modules (10-20 minute videos each) released into our secret Facebook group once a week over 6 weeks

*Secret Facebook group for members only

*Real tools and techniques to break through worry, doubt, and fear and to quickly multiply courage and confidence. (meditations, self-help worksheets, & my proprietary coaching tools)

*Expert teaching on how the mind works + tapping into intuition so you can take control of your test results

*Laser coaching for your specific circumstance and answers to your study-life & mindset questions 

You’ll be guided by a skilled and certified coach, someone who has been there, in your shoes as a Bar Exam taker, found success, and successfully helped others to do the same,

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Shush the noisy, nay-sayer working overtime to keep you in your uncomfortable comfort zone.

Common mindset-gremlin questions… click below to read more.

what if it doesn’t work for me?

Staying the same is risky business. Click to read more.

How Do I know it’s a good investment?

Personal growth, maximizing strengths and minimizing risk has compounding returns. Click to read more.