(1) Will this work for me?

I can’t make you guarantees that you’ll pass because the outcome lies with you alone. You are responsible for how much you study, listen to the visualizations and participate in coaching calls. But I can tell you about the results others have had after working with me. The students who work with one-on-one me have the calmest, most successful study season ever. They squelch anxiety, free up study time, stay mentally and emotionally balanced giving them maximum learning retention and recall during the Exam. Get your one-on-one help by showing up and raising your hand.

Every situation is different. But those who do the work get the results.

Your academic course is also a variable. I have my go-to bar review to suggest if you don’t have one yet. But mindset support is key no matter which academic route you take. You can’t properly utilize academic resources with the wrong mindset. So, although mindset support alone can’t guarantee your results, it is a BIG part of you getting good results. If you’ve done the Bar once or twice, or you know your academic course rocks but you still can’t get traction (or are afraid you won’t), your issue is mindset.

(If, while you’re in our program, you have questions on whether your academic course is working for you, I’m happy to coach you one-on-one around that.)

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(2) BUUUTTT…..What if it doesn’t work?

In this program one of the first things that we will tackle is the fear and feeling that mindset work is not working for you. Believe it or not everyone fears it. I work with it daily. So, first thing’s first, in this program I will help you work with that fear. So that it releases. And now you are free to move forward without that fear hanging over your head.

If that fear remains in place you will be playing not to lose. You will hold back on your effort and actions so that you can blame circumstances for why you didn’t pass. You will not go all out with the program. So my first order of business is to help you settle this question of the doubt in your mind. But you can only get that coaching in the program. If you’ve gone through all your academic solutions and the only thing that’s left is mindset, we need to get started. That question, “what if this doesn’t work for me?”, is a mindset issue too. And I can absolutely help you set that fear aside and reach your highest potential on the Bar Exam.

(3) There’s already so much to study. I feel I’ll not have enough time for the program. There’s not enough time.

The time you spend obsessing, beating yourself up, letting yourself get distracted, feeling guilty over not being there for people, or unable to sleep—that amounts to way more time than the 1 hour weekly group coaching sessions and checking in on your email messages. Plus, don’t you want someone you can reach out to on the spot when Bar study isn’t going well? Wouldn’t that get you back on track even faster?

Most of you will go to social media anyway, so it may as well be in a productive manner visiting the Journey group (during scheduled breaks of course). The mental and emotional relief you get through shifting your mindset releases energy from other draining mental activities you were doing, and lets you focus that newfound energy on the Bar. The time you spend to handle your mindset will be recouped within your first week of study, everything else is bonus. If you still see mindset work as a time-waster, you may need to go around the Bar exam cycle one more time before the importance of mindset sets in. Go ahead, I’ll wait.

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(4) I totally believe this program can help me stay focused on my studies, save tons of study time, stay balanced and healthy while I prepare for the bar exam, and dramatically increase the chances of me passing the bar. But, I don’t want to pay for another program. I’m tired of using credit cards or savings without knowing how I’m going to replace the money. I’m really worried about money being tight during Bar study. 

How much more money will you have to come up with if you don’t pass the Bar? Will you regret not coming up with the money now? Now say you take this program, the end result being, you passed, will you regret having made the investment? See the only reason you would invest and regret is if you think it won’t work for you, in that case refer to the question above. Remember that in mindset work we are seeking out the ways the Ego keeps you in your status quo despite your stated desire to move out of it. You want to be a lawyer, right now you’re not. Your Ego (ingrained survival mechanism that we all have) is invested in keeping you right where you are. The current comfort zone, though uncomfortable, is known and it is safe.

So, the self-imposed money requirements (or rather, Ego imposed) are just a tool your Ego is using to keep you stuck. I encourage you to step back, see what the Ego just did there, and bring your Higher Mind to bear on the situation. We’re not going to let Ego drive the car anymore. It is very dangerous letting a 10 year old drive.

That being said, you know your money mindset and how much you can take. So, you make the decision. If 6 months from now, you’re looking at this course again (at its regular $1500 price) saying “this time I’m going to do it”, will you be proud of where you’re at? Would you look back and say, “yes, that time I passed on it, I absolutely had to, there was noooo way it would’ve worked out.”? If you’ll honestly be able to say that 6 months from now when you’re possibly taking the Bar again, we’re good. I just want you to be at peace. But if you suspect money is just another reason Ego is using to keep you stuck…wouldn’t you rather take care of your mindset and cement your excellent Bar results now? I’ll teach you how to gain control over fearful Ego and not let it run your life anymore. But to do that, you’ll have to join the group.


If you have questions unanswered here, you’re always welcome to send me a message.