JOURNEY to Bar Exam Success

A mindset intensive to support you through July 2019 Bar study season.


Bar Exam takers who value positive mindset, personal development and spiritual growth.

Are You Ready to Pass the Bar?

in a few weeks you could be…

✔️feeling the certainty that you are on the right study path for you

✔️receiving daily support when you’re in doubt on your methods and practice

✔️confidently using your study materials in the way that works for your life, your mind, and your personality

✔️getting daily inspiration to maintain your positive, growth-oriented Bar Exam mindset

✔️getting real support in setting boundaries, guarding your time, & balancing work/study/family

✔️learning the most effective way to get out of your head and stop overthinking it

✔️be supported by a caring community of like-minded Bar takers

✔️renewing your peace and strength in just a few minutes a day with effective Bar Exam prep visualizations

✔️discovering and getting past mindset barriers that were hiding in the darkness, holding you back

in a few months you could be…

🌞 approaching the Bar Exam with confidence

🌞 feeling your heart quieted as you put your books away and rest before the test

🌞 feeling your heart expanding in happiness as you take a seat at the testing table (no fear or dread!)

🌞 observing your spirit soaring as you answer question after question with ease

🌞 feeling completely at peace as you leave the testing hall

🌞 creatively using your time in a fulfilling way (whether through work, with family or in play) as you wait for your Exam results

🌞 swearing in and finally, confidently starting the career of your dreams, and

🌞 knowing more of who you are and what you’re made of in the process.


Right now you may…

🌧️have trouble believing in yourself.

🌧️not know where to start with your studies.

🌧️be worried you’ll waste precious time and energy and money.

🌧️not know how you’ll handle the anxiety.

🌧️unsure what it’ll take to be “one and done” on this Bar Exam.

🌧️be on your second or more go and unsure what to change.

🌧️be feeling overall unsure on this journey.

But you know you don’t have to be mired in uncertainty and doubt.

That’s why you’re here.

Sign up Below to Get Notified of When Journey Re-opens

In JOURNEY, aspiring attorneys discover how to tap into their inner strength and find inspiration so they do things like:

🏆Easily find the right study options, and be certain about them.

🏆Discover and obtain the support and tools needed to pass the Bar.

🏆Leave stress and anxiety behind.

🏆Guard their study time.

🏆Sail through life issues or drama that crop up at the wrong time.

🏆Effectively handle wrong answers or missed issues during practice.

🏆Learn to trust inspiration and work from strengths while studying for the Bar and on the test itself.

🏆Rebuild self-trust to make good decisions, pick the right answers and move forward without regret

🏆Feel cool and confident in the Bar Exam hall.

Journey is a 3 month supportive community coaching course for students of Life who are looking for their next steps to pass the Bar Exam. They know there is more to passing than academic tips and study strategies.  They are looking for a way to free their mind from the rat race, the competitive world and find inner peace while accomplishing their goals.

Members of Journey get supported daily, get surrounded and loved on, and get their confidence built. They get to see their anxiety jitters dissipate and they develop a deep knowing they are enough so they can move forward with internal power and succeed on the Bar Exam.


Enrollment is limited.  And it’s open only a twice a year. Future members, here’s some of what you can expect.

*Weekly coaching calls led by me, Jennifer Duclair, the Bar Exam Mentor,

*Skilled guidance by someone who has been there, found success, and has helped others to do the same,

*Knowledge concepts on how the mind works in conjunction with intuition so you can take control of your test results (because really, do you have time to think through EVERY answer choice and question?),

*Laser coaching for your specific circumstance and answers to your study-life & mindset questions, and 

*Real tools and methods to break through worry, doubt, and fear and to quickly multiply courage and confidence.


Get On the Wait List Below

🔥🔥About Laser Coaching🔥🔥

Use laser coaching to get PERSONAL guidance on

🔥disappointing practice test results,

🔥how to deal with the current distractions,

🔥how to make studying easier for you,

🔥how to approach loved ones with your needs,

🔥how to guard your study time,

🔥how to support yourself emotionally and physically during these intense three months, and

🔥how to give yourself permission to succeed, so you can show up at your best every day of this season.

When you’re repeatedly hitting a wall, running out of steam or can’t find the solution, laser coaching helps you get conscious knowledge of what’s holding you back so you can straighten it out and pass the Bar.

The group will be kept small to ensure everyone gets a chance for laser coaching on the calls.  So, seats are limited and will be available on a first-come first-served basis, when doors open.

Sign up below to get more details on the course and to be notified when enrollment starts.


Have you heard about your scholarship option? From now, until general enrollment opens, you can purchase your seat in the course for 1/3 of the general enrollment price. Only 5 seats are available at this rate and it’s on a first-come, first-served pay in full basis. Want to learn more?