Reignite Your Esquire Journey

Inspire Yourself with an Easy-to-Create Bar Exam study plan.

Whatever your past experience with the Bar Exam, a well-laid-out, easy-to-follow plan is the easiest way to get motivated and back on track to pass the Bar. A clear plan takes the guesswork out of what to do every day. A personalized plan ensures it’s easy to follow through with your daily tasks because they come naturally to you. And following a proven formula to build that plan means you’ll feel confident during every day of study. Confidence breeds success. 

Here’s how to know if you’ll benefit from a personally tailored Bar study plan.

When is a tailored Bar study plan your best option?

When the generic plans have failed you in the past

Immediately following graduation, Bar takers dive into the prep resources that were provided or endorsed by their school, usually without questioning if those resources will actually work for them. It is assumed that, as long as you put in enough effort, you will pass. This is why, when Bar takers fail, they blame themselves. They miss the possibility that the generic study plan may be the culprit.   

If you found the given lists of tasks too overwhelming

Bar takers need to focus specifically on what will help them. But generic study plans are made so “there’s something for everyone”. The premise is, if you work hard and do every single thing on the list, you’ll complete 30% of the tasks that are actually helpful to you. (The 30% is different for each person, depending on their brain’s learning preferences and their lifestyle needs).

We need to work smarter, not harder. If you can whittle down the list to doing only what aids you (specifically) in learning, retention, and recall, you’ll have a manageable list of tasks to complete.  Consequently, you’ll find it easier to strike a balance between Bar study and life as usual—a crucial need if you’re a non-traditional student or law grad.

I host a Bar Exam Study Plan challenge to help Bar takers build a personal study plan. We start off with identifying your specific learning and study needs so you can immediately zero in on the most important tasks for you to complete so you’re adequately prepared for the Bar in a time-smart manner.

If you were derailed by life and study mishaps,

With Bar Exam prep, lack of motivation & procrastination are outcomes of negative associations with Bar studying. If negative feelings or events arose during the first attempt at the Bar, the likelihood of passing the Bar hinges on resolving those past negative events.  

Over the 5-days of our Bar Exam Study Plan challenge, participants get a broad overview of the more common scenarios that have created negative feelings towards the Bar and participants learn about the resolutions that other Bar takers successfully implemented to get motivated and peaceful about the Bar.

You had no resources or people to turn to when you needed in-the-moment feedback.  

Coupled with the resources for assessing your learning needs and including the right elements in your study plan, Bar takers get to communicate in a group setting and one-on-one with a Bar Exam Mentor who can guide each participant to addressing their person-specific needs for Bar study.

Learn about how you can create your personalized Bar study plan.