How can I make sure I pass the Bar Exam? or How did I fail the Bar Exam? Either way read this for your answer.

Welcome! If you’re coming here from Social Media, look for the  🌟  to pick up where you left off.

If you’re studying for the Bar, this last Monday of the year doesn’t really mean much. 


Life is demarcated by pre-Bar Exam and post- Bar Exam. 

It seems nothing can move on until you get this done.

And if you’ve been at this (Bar Exam studying) for more than one cycle of the Bar Exam it’s sadly true that your self-confidence and esteem has taken such a hit that even the time you stole from your family and friends isn’t making much difference in the grand scheme of things.

To study effectively you have to be happy, healthy, whole, and balanced.  The fears that we can’t move on without passing this test or the secret fear that we will just be total failures if we miss it again, those fears haunting you in the back of your head are stealing your peace. 

Never mind actual life situations that are getting in the way of proper studying.

I want to share with you a tip.  The life situations that may be getting in the way are actually outcroppings of your inner-thought life.  People are surprised when they learn this for themselves. It seems the fear was unrelated to the Bar. But dealing with, for example, the fear of saying no to family members, freed them up to pass the Bar.

As it turns out, secretly deep down inside, they were afraid if they became licensed attorneys, they’d only be even more burdened by family requests.  So, the part of them that doesn’t like being the family piggy bank or source of free help was stronger than the part of them that wants to pass. Hence, the Bar taker unconsciously held back. 

Of course, if they knew this from the beginning they would’ve dealt with it and moved on.

What’s the secret fear that’s holding you back?  I can guess you probably don’t know what it is.  It’s usually unconscious.  The fact is, if you knew what it was, you would’ve taken care of it rather than allowed it to sabotage you. 

To shine a light on the unconscious material in our heads we have to engage in a process.  I take you through some of that process during a Confidence Kickstart call especially if you’re about to take the Bar.  Schedule one today.