Bar Application--Bar Study--get past these chores standing between you and your best life.

There’s a specific way to incrementally meet your goal while living your best life.  

The magical solution is breaking down your huge tasks like Pass the Bar or complete Character & Fitness, into tiny tasks.

To pass the Bar:

List the tasks you’ll need to complete to pass the Bar.  You know you have to study daily so, break that in to smaller tasks (read outline, take notes, mindmap, listen to lecture, do 50 practice questions ….

You also know you have to pay for travel, accommodations, and other testing expenses, so put saving money on that big to-do list, and break that down into baby steps as well. For example, schedule auto transfer to a savings account, apply to one job per day, ask a family member for money (you can break this down even further, schedule a call, draft a text, set up cash-app, etc).

If you have to complete paperwork for your Character & Fitness application, then your list may look like this: order a copy of the driver’s record, order a TransUnion credit report, make a list of prior addresses, dig up & print old resumes (for job history)…

Choose three tasks a day to complete. Make them non-negotiable—as in your day won’t end until your list is done. Do whatever it takes to get through the daily tasks. Completing those steps leads to completing your big goal. 

If you break things into baby steps you’ll get the big thing done eventually. No need to keep thinking on the big thing and getting overwhelmed by the enormity of the project. “Assume” it’s done (because if you keep to your daily tasks, it’s as good as done).  

What’s your daily task list for today?

Hint: to keep it manageable, keep it down to two or three non-negotiable items that others aren’t requiring of you 

The stuff your boss or children expect of you will get done. They have to. It’s the work that goes towards achieving your dream that often slides. So THOSE become your three non-negotiable tasks for the day.  Accomplishing those every day is what gets you to the finish line of your goal.

This is where an accountability buddy comes in great!  

We teach you more about:

Accountability buddies (what they are, and the exact conversations to have so you mutually benefit),

Getting community support throughout Bar stud, and

Tailoring your study activities to your lifestyle and personality so that studying isn’t such a chore,

inside our 5-day Best Bar Exam Study Plan challenge. If you’re preparing for the Bar Exam, you don’t want to miss out on this. Click here to discover why law grads are RAVING about the Best Bar Study Plan challenge.