Navigating Low Energy Days During Bar Exam Prep With These Essential Strategies

Are you feeling down today, feeling low, energy sluggish, maybe even a little sad?

It’s tempting to skip our prep for today, I know the feeling. Those days when it seems like all the losses have piled up and are weighing heavy on you, when it's really hard to see what you have accomplished, how far you've come. When you really just want to curl up back under the covers and breathe... I get it.

Understanding Your Low Energy Days

On those low energy days, there are typically two ways people react: either pushing through and denying their feelings, or giving in and descending into darkness. But there’s a middle path that can make downtime rejuvenating and productive.


Taking Scheduled Breaks

When you absolutely don’t want to study or feel a break is best, consider a few things. First, listen to your intuition. If unscheduled breaks are frequent, your study plan may be unrealistic. Factor in life's demands like raising a child or unexpected travel to avoid frequent breaks. Build scheduled breaks into your study plan to avoid demoralization and guilt.


Building Your Breaks

In my Bar Exam Ready course, we prioritize scheduled breaks to tailor your study plan realistically. Interested? Check for details on our plan helper—it's a game-changer for many!

Resources you need:

or If you're looking for personalized help, consider scheduling a free 15-minute call with me.