What would it feel like to 

  • quicky and knowledgeably answer exam questions 

  • be in top mental and physical shape 

  • be calm and confident on the exam

Without needing a psychology degree or getting stretched thin on time?

If this sounds like you, I have good news.

It's possible to:

feel masterful during studying and feel confident taking the exam.

Wondering how? Let me introduce you to...


Carefree Study 

an Audio Visualization 


Reprogram the Subconscious Mind

Carefree Study was created to give you a calm mind so you retain information better. This way you can quickly comprehend and find the call of the questions 

You’ll be satisfied with your application of the law because you built knowledge through consistency using Carefree Study.

Carefree Study gives you a calmer “set point” so you can feel peace up to and through exam days.

With Carefree Study, being calm and unbothered is normal, and this impacts your studying and retention for the better. 

Carefree Study builds confidence and competence so you can perform well on exam day

Reprogramming your subconscious changes your self-image, you won't be the person who gets overwhelmed and has to postpone or leave in the middle of the exam.

The combination of feeling peaceful inside–and getting back multiplied brain power for studying– will yield tangible, rapidly increasing results.  This will make you feel confident about your abilities.

Carefree Study 



It’s easy to use, so you stay consistent daily


It calms the nerves which enhances studying and confidence, and 

Carefree Study has proven reprogramming elements

making calm your new set point.

By now, you may be wondering who I am and why I've created this. Let me introduce myself to you.

I’m Jennifer Duclair, a 2012 graduate of the No. 21 ranked University Florida Levin College of Law.  After whizzing through school (I started college at age 15) I was stumped when I failed the bar exam not once, but twice. 

The victory was mine when I discovered the missing piece of bar prep. 

I created Carefree Study because, when I was studying for the bar, the hardest part was getting to my sessions.  Once I started I was in the zone.  But I easily lost hours of study per week through procrastination and negative thinking about the bar exam.  

With my certification in Jungian Psychology Coaching, and my experience as a law school graduate, bar repeater, and bar passer, I continue to create cutting-edge tools, like Carefree Study, to support you passing the bar. 

I created Carefree Study for bar takers who need an easy quick start to get into the mood to study.

It has already been a game-changer to bar takers:

"I did the meditation this morning and I can tell that it works. It changed everything." 

A. P. Dos Santos

Are you ready to...

be motivated, consistent, calm and focused for bar study?