đŸ˜±Watch out for this horrible advice when retaking the Bar.

Did you hear?

California Bar Exam Takers were devastated by the poorest Bar Exam results ever in recent years. An article in a popular online law journal was published in response.

The article discussed what to do if you’ve failed the Bar.  As one of these main points, the Bar Prep provider/guest blogger/author wrote, “make sure that you pass next time”. He explained that no one will care how many times you’ve taken the Bar once you’re an attorney. He added that passing the Bar will erase all the past hurt, shame, anger, and regret of past Bar fails. This was his sole mindset tip. 

Passing the Bar won't make bad habits and feelings go away. You need to take care of those first.

This is not good advice. After failing the Bar, residual feelings left are not dealt with and the pressure of “needing to pass this time” is what causes multiple repeated fails. Those feelings and that pressure are the first things Bar Takers have to get past to make studying (for a second or more time) easier and even desirable.

There was one good point the author made though.  He said hiring a coach or a mentor to see you through it.  I can get behind that.

Would you like an easier way?

Repeating the Bar Exam doesn’t have to feel like forcing yourself to touch an iron when you know it’s blazing hot. It doesn’t have to be tortuously painful.

Taking the Bar even a 3 or 4th time can be light and free, and you can grow in the process. I know. I did it.   And I’ve helped others do so as well. With Bar Exam Mentoring you can approach the Bar with, not just a calm heart, but also a certainty that you will pass (instead of the desperation that you have to.)

Look into Journey, a small group course.

On April 17, doors open for a Bar Exam Mentor course offering. A mindset support forum with modules and coaching sessions to support repeat Bar Exam takers as they approach the Bar.

In a few weeks, you could be

Approaching the Bar Exam with confidence

Feeling your heart quieted as you put your books away and rest before the test

Feeling your heart expanding in happiness as you take a seat at the testing table (no fear or dread!)

Observing your spirit soaring as you answer question after question with ease

Feeling completely at peace as you leave the testing hall

Creatively using your time in a fulfilling way (whether through work, with family or in play) as you wait for your Exam results

Swearing in and finally, confidently starting the career of your dreams, and

Knowing more of who you are and what you’re made of in the process.

How can I promise this? I’ve helped Bar takers, just like you, cut through the mental chatter, self-doubt, and anxiety associated with this Big Test. Mindset is hardly (if ever) addressed in Bar Review courses, yet it’s the top cause for up to 40% of failures across the U.S.

How do I know?

First of all, Bar Exam takers who go through my courses have a 100% success rate, to date, despite using various packaged Bar prep courses or study plans of their own.

I only do mindset.

So what was the one common denominator? Bar takers in my program addressed mindset.

Second, California conducted a study amongst Bar Takers, offering a “Mindset Intervention” course to some law grads and comparing their results to the rest of the State’s examinees.

You guessed it.

Those who worked on mindset scored better and had better pass rates than those who did not. I’m certain if their “mindset intervention” involved a trained and experienced coach as opposed to a few videos and a writing assignment, those students would have fared much closer to the 100% success rate that Bar Exam Mentor clients enjoy.