3 steps to reduce the importance of the bar exam...

3 steps to reduce the importance of the bar exam

1. It's one of many goals you have already accomplished - you are already victorious for even getting this far.

2. You don't really need it to have a good life. It's a want, not a need. You can give it your all, and you won't die if things go wrong.

3. List what new goals will come after passing the bar. Get even more in control of the warring voices in your mind with our Bar Motivation seminar.

It's free and will get you at peace and excited about Bar prep again.

Join me in the Bar Motivation seminar (it's free)...

When I remember MLK I celebrate the opportunities I enjoy today that I probably wouldn't have without him. Including getting to graduate from law school and sit for the bar.

He lived his passion and it benefited all of North America. You living your passion will benefit your world.

You deserve your seat at the table. Don't let mindset hurdles hold you back.

Join me in the Bar Motivation seminar (it's free) to get past your hurdles and beat the bar.