Get the Confidence You Need to Pass the Bar Exam

You're studying for the bar exam or thinking about starting bar prep. 

You're nervous.

You don't know what you're doing wrong..

Or don't understand why you haven’t passed.

You don’t know where to begin to fix it on your own.

You’re not alone.

The bar exam is a daunting thing. 

It strikes fear in the most accomplished law grads–even valedictorians.

From top government officials to celebrities, the best among us have failed.

You know you’re no exception to the rule. 

Bar exam results are a toss up.

Failing can happen to you.  …or maybe it already has. 

Do you want to finally pass the bar exam and leap into your dream attorney life?

The sad news is, despite your best plans and efforts, you may end up with your life on hold for another round with the bar exam.  

Worse yet, you may get stuck in the cycle caused by law school difficulties or past bar exam failures.


Repeated failed attempts could obliterate self-confidence making it impossible to succeed at anything else—even if you decide to leave the field of law and try something new. 

That’s tragic!

You didn’t put in 3+ years of hard schooling, about $100k in education costs, or miss out on all those life events and milestones, just to give up at the 11th hour.

Imagine if you could:

Restore confidence in your ability to pass the bar

Experience less stress and no overwhelm while studying and sitting for the exam

Free yourself of doubt, fear of failing, and fear of success

Hundreds of bar takers have gotten this DREAM bar prep experience, and you can too. 

It starts with one simple step… 

Get personal help to uncover the underlying non-academic factors that are holding you back. Then, create a mindset strategy so you can pass the Bar, once and for all.

Hi, I’m Jennifer Duclair. If you’re anythying like me, you’re a bona fide overachiever. As such, after I failed the Bar Exam on my first attempt - I was crushed.

That was bad enough, but after my second failed attempt, self-doubt and fear crippled me. 

I was at risk of never recovering my confidence again! 

I just knew there was something wrong with me…. or was there?

What if, instead of growing deeply depressed, I refocused on investigating and problem-solving?

I set out to crack the riddle of the Bar Exam retake cycle, and I uncovered the ONE THING Law schools and Bar reviews leave out …

Mindset preparation for the bar exam.

With this discovery I found all the real reasons that my hard work hadn’t paid off. I addressed my mindset and triumphantly passed the bar. 


With my proven, repeatable process, Law school graduates shorten their wait between graduation and swearing-in date. They get to close this chapter of academia and begin their well-deserved attorney lives. Now you can begin applying this process to your life by booking a call with me.

What’s a Confidence Kickstart Call?

A consultation session for Law school graduates who want to fully understand what has been preventing them from passing the Bar Exam so they can discover what to do differently to pass.

In this one-to-one call you’ll be guided to the winning strategy to help you pass the Bar Exam.

Just one 45 minute call with a bar exam mindset expert will help you diagnose your problems and strategize the quickest most effortless way past them so that you can pass the bar--without stress, overwhelm, or burdensome self-doubt.

When you sign up for The Confidence Kickstart Call, you’re going to get:

Life and Mindset Assessment before the consult, to draw out both surface issues and deeper issues that have been preventing you from passing. You’ll get exciting discoveries as soon as you book!

45 Minutes 1:1 consultation with me, a bar exam mindset expert, to dive deep into what’s holding you back and to create your 3-Point Plan for passing.

Emailed Summary Report with the mindset expert take on your bar exam journey, its problems, your discoveries in the consult, and your Bar Pass Plan.


How do I know it’s right for me?

This call is right for you if you’re nervous about the bar exam, or have been repeatedly failing it, but are still determined to pass.  To you failure is a set back, not an ending.

You’ll benefit from this call if

  • You’re already clear that there is a non-academic factor affecting your bar results.  

  • You’ve implemented academic strategies that worked for you before but they aren’t working now.  

  • You’ve hired tutors or switched courses, but always getting mixed results. 

  • You’ve binged my Youtube videos and recognize the signs that mindset problems are at play.

  • You have mental health concerns around law school or the bar exam. 


If you still think your bar exam culprits are all academic & performance based, this call is not for you.

If you understand that your academic performance depends on your

  • mental peace,

  • emotional balance,

  • positive patterns of thinking and

  • internal levels of trust and confidence

you’re in the right place to get helped.  Book this call.  You won’t regret it. 

“After connecting with Jennifer, my studies changed, as did my perspective. The Bar Exam was no longer this big bad monster or be-all-end-all thing that I believed it to be in the beginning.
I passed the New York Bar.”

— Kawansi Taylor, Esquire

“Before, I used to constantly second-guess myself and my abilities which made it difficult for me to study in a meaningful way. Now I am learning to trust myself and know that I am more than capable of beating this exam.

— Victoria Person, Esquire

Ready to be your own success story?