Hey anxious, overwhelmed bar taker

want to pass the bar exam without stress, drama, and uncertainty?

Lacking a psychology degree shouldn’t keep you from passing the bar

But most bar takers don’t have the time, energy, or desire to learn the specialized skills for their bar prep mindset.

So they experience

  • Burnout

  • Fatigue

  • Lack of Motivation

  • Poor Sleep

  • Decreasing Confidence

  • Declining physical health as bar exam day approaches.

It’s not your fault. You’re busy trying to become an attorney—not learn psychology.

But the consequences of poor mindset can make you fail the bar exam.

After suffering from this very same problem myself I paused the bar, got the specialized knowledge, and finally conquered this exam.

Now you can use the tools I developed to handle your mindset and conquer the bar too.



What would it feel like to

Grow your confidence,

Get back your time,

Balance your life,

While you prepare for the bar


Now it’s possible to:

Stay calm, without hours of meditation

Expect success, without feeling fake

Study consistently, without forcing or fighting

by using the tools inside the Conqueror’s Mindset Bundle.

With the Conqueror’s Mindset Bundle you will eliminate the anxiety and internal struggle that causes exhaustion, sluggishness and uncertainty.

You’ll show up bravely on exam day for yourself, and your future.

You’ll feel peaceful inside, mentally claiming success, and multiplying your brain power for studying which improves your performance on exam day.

By now you’re probably wondering who I am.

I’m Jennifer Duclair, Esq.  Bar Exam Mindset Mentor and Attorney Life Coach.  I’ll help you feel confident in yourself again, so you masterfully maneuver the feelings, thoughts, and circumstances that have you going crazy around the bar exam. I help you do this with a carefully curated bundle of mindset tools that transform your mind and get you to pass the bar in ease and comfort.



The Conqueror’s Mindset Bundle is

a carefully curated collection of mindset tools that will support you conquering the Bar… even if you’ve tried self-help books, audios, tutors, and therapy before

The Conqueror’s Mindset Bundle will help you win the battle against yourself and pass the bar.



Feel calm because you’re taking concrete and purposeful steps, with the right tools to get more in control over your mind

Feel confident you’re doing your best, because increased mental power enhances your study and performance—no more doubting or second guessing

Trust that your best is enough with this bundle, the mindset issues that cause worrying and fear are eliminated, so you can have a successful bar passer mindset.

Be peaceful during and after the exam. The tools eliminate the negative voices, wrong thoughts, and scary lies that steal your peace.


First, assess your mess and use the right tool (the explainer videos help you do that)

Second, get clarity on your issue with my guidance videos

Third, apply the exercises assigned (it’ll take less time than you’re wasting on the panic attacks)

Fourth, finish off with a quick guided meditation for your issue.

Fifth, Use the meditations periodically to maintain amazing results

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Love Yourself to Bar Exam Success
It’s a new module in the fantastic Conqueror’s Mindset Bundle. And it is a life changer.

This new bundle takes you on a gentle stroll through

  • a 21 day self love journal

  • checklists and cheat sheets to solve your bar exam problems,

  • my teachings to adjust your bar prep mentality,

  • soothing meditations for comfort and

  • recorded bar success affirmations for ongoing motivation.

With this bundle you’ll:

  • Reprogram your brain for success.

  • Be happier about bar prep (really)
    and most of all,

  • You will feel loved, held, supported, and shown up for without needing to beg or convince ANYONE else.

The LOVE YOURSELF BUNDLE alone is worth $99 dollars, but you’ll get it included when you purchase the Conqueror’s Mindset Bundle today.

What’s included in the Conqueror’s Mindset Bundle?

Panic Squash Kit - assess your worries, compare it to real facts, dissolve the panic and take meaningful action.

[Value $37]

Bar Exam Victory - Unlock your potential and cement your bar passer identity.

[Value $27]

Relationship Saver - Whether you need more space and people aren't listening. Or you need more support and it's no where to be found. Close relationships can affect your emotions and your bar exam. Save your relationships AND your bar exam with this.

[Value $27]

Peace Inducer -Constantly distracted by life situations and thoughts during study sessions? Boost your mind control and peace quotient in just 10 minutes. Consistent use has been documented to boost MBE scores.

[Value $27]

My Attorney Life - this gets you to think like an attorney today so you steer away from fear-based decisions that are keeping you trapped. Move towards success actions, so you get your Esquire status.

[Value $47]

Life Architect - attain your ideal state of enthusiasm and inspiration so you glide through your daily study regimen

[Value $27]

Study Prep Cure - On those days nothing else works, tap into the power of visualization to trick your body into wanting to study.

[Value $27]

Deep Sleep Rx - Instead of Netflix binging, or tossing and turning all night, give your body the deep sleep it needs.

[Value $27]

Bar Motivation - Break free of the study struggle and see rapidly improving results.

[Value $137]

Pre-Bar Calming - Cognitive control to stay calm on exam day.

[Value $67]

Bar Exam Support Community

Partner with us inside our Bar Exam Support Members Only Community (membership included as a sweet bonus to your purchase). Includes live workshops, text coaching (inside the community) and more!

[Value $227/month]

Plus our newly released Love Yourself to Bar Exam Success

[Value $99]



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I don’t know when I’m taking the bar yet, can I use this?

Yes. The sooner you start working on your mindset, the better.

What’s in it/what am I getting?

The Bundle is a compilation of the proprietary tools I use inside Bar Exam Mentoring Circle and with my private clients who pay four figures to work with me. It includes video instruction from me to help you diagnose your problems, select and use the best tools to help you, on demand.

What if I am not into new age meditation?

Visualization is scientifically and psychologically proven method for self improvement. You do this already (you imagined yourself in law school before you sat for the LSAT and applied). If you’re failing at something chances are you’re visualizing the failing. The tools in this bundle helps you take control of this function of the mind and control the results you get.

How long will I have access to the Bundle?

You can keep these copyrighted materials for personal use for life.

How can I access the material after purchase?

You will get an email with credentials to log into our online school and access the materials.

Are there any additional costs or hidden fees?

No. In fact we like to surprise customers with unexpected bonuses and free perks. For $111 today, you will get everything on you read about on this page plus any future updates. Due to the increasing value of this bundle as we add new features and updates over time, the price increases from time to time. Lock in your access to all future updates at today’s rate by purchasing now.


Get access to the tools that helped me and HUNDREDS of others pass the Bar exam with ease, grace, and confidence.

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Note: This is a digital product. Payment made for this product is non-refundable. Tax is calculated and added at checkout based on your location. Please make this purchase mindfully.