
Get faster, more effective study sessions done while having fun and raising your score.

After you’ve failed the bar you’ll get a lot of advice from people who don’t know what it’s like to repeat the bar. I failed the bar several times before passing and didn’t pass until I figured out there’s a humongous missing piece from bar prep. After passing I began practicing law, but came back to help others who were repeatedly failing the bar and unable to figure out why.

Bar exam repeaters tell me:

  • “I am so tired of living in limbo. I just want to move past this, get my job, be able to have a life again—even if it’s COVID life—it’s something. I’ve worked so hard for this.”

  • I’m having a real hard time finding the focus to sit down and study.”

  • “I was so ready for the bar, then it got postponed, and I just feel like it’s a slap in the face.”

  • “I am not remembering anything from my studies”

  • “I’ve never been a good test-taker anyway”

I know how that feels and I’m sorry. I’m sorry you did all that work, spent all that money, did everything you said, and ended up back here again.

I learned the hard way, and hope you will realize after reading this page, that the typical bar exam advice doesn’t work.

Here’s what I mean: Bad Bar Exam Advice

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Long study days defy logic.

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Typically, all your friends pass and you’re left behind

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but months or years out of law school such help is virtually non-existent.

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It’s not how long you study, it’s how you study.

The traditional bar exam advice fails you because it’s predicated on using generic study plans.

Generic study plans fail you…

because one size does not fit all.  

I’m Jennifer Duclair, attorney, bar exam mindset coach, and concerned helper of all law grads who repeatedly, inexplicably fail the bar. My mission is to make sure no one has to struggle with the Bar exam like I once did. 

I work with law grads one-on-one and in groups to help them past the mindset barriers that keep them from success.

In my work with law grads, I realized 50% of mindset problems trace back to a BAD study plan. But most of these law grads are out of school many years, in the hole thousands of dollars and have no promising solutions in sight. So, I put together BAR EXAM READY to help them out. Now I’m making it available to you, outside of my programs, and a la carte, so you can have a quick, simple, and affordable way to get a bar study plan that will work.

(I did my research and personal bar study plans run for $745 on the market, on top of having to buy that tutor’s $3,000 course first. It’s not even included!)


With Bar Exam Ready you’ll:

  • Verify your unique personal needs that must be met for efficient and worry-free studying

  • Customize your study plan to your life and brain’s needs so you feel good about your progress each day

  • Integrate effective study strategies that help your particular brain’s way of memorizing (remember those earlier lectures)

  • Save time by doing only the right things (none of the wrong things) during your study sessions

  • Jump-start your studying with a completed study plan ready to use in as little as 30 minutes

  • Easily adapt your current study materials to fit your customized plan—no guessing, no unnecessary spending

  • Understand why the typical bar study schedule doesn't work

  • Decipher and avoid bad Bar exam advice that’s been hurting you

  • Maintain motivation throughout your entire study season

  • Plus, you’ll know why you ran into problems in the past (like procrastination, lack of motivation, low multiple choice scores, etc.) and how to fix it

Most importantly, with Bar Exam Ready you'll get a customized plan that:

  • Meets you where you are (no more feelings of deficiency and inadequacy).

  • Gives you control over your daily schedule (no more forcing yourself to “go one more hour”).

  • Gives you certainty over your Bar exam progress (know exactly what to assess and what solutions to apply--no more despair).

  • Decreases stress (because you know your plan is working).

  •  Keeps your weeks (and each single day) organized and efficient

  • You’ll free up your time, to live #reallife while feeling proud of yourself for getting all the necessary tasks done. 

  • Plus, with our bonuses and add-ons you’ll get clarity and peace of mind to pass the Bar exam in a less stressful way.

If you’ve been unable to pass the bar HEAR THIS!

There’s nothing wrong with you.


A quick & simple system to help you create a bar exam study plan that beats the problems repeat bar takers face.

You’ll walk away with your best bar study plan ever! (In under 30 minutes)

(plus I’m including juicy bonuses and goodies that will give EXTRA support and that personal attention—if that’s something you crave).

This is for the repeat bar taker, who has been failed by bar review companies, and needs the best bar exam study plan for them.

This completely tailored plan helps you study efficiently, stay consistent, and see massive improvement in your practice scores…

…all while decreasing overwhelm, anxiety, and uncertainty.  

What’s Included:

Personal Blueprint: Video road map where I walk you through the steps to develop your personal tutor style study plan. Contains examples and explanations for those who want to now why this method works. [Value $149]

Show Notes: Our “fast track”. Get your personal study plan done in under 30 minutes with these visual summaries and recap of the most important points in the Personal Blueprint. [Value $27]

Plan Creation Formula: The exact step-by-step process to lay out their completely study plan in the scientifically proven way that increases memory and recall of your information. [Value $97]

Study Plan Playbook: Your resource hub. It contains everything you need to get the most out of Bar Exam Ready. [Value $97]

Plan Creation Template: No fuss, computer-editable, calendar to you can fill in your daily study details and have it easily handy every time you sit to study. [Value $27]

Study Rx: To test and diagnose your study problems. The combined results will lead to your perfect bar study plan (and easier study sessions). [Value $199]

Study Helper Strategy Bank: All the strategies you need to include in your plan to make studying fun and efficient.   [Value $57]

Closure ID: Supplemental Q&A bank that helps solve last minute problems with your study plan problems. [Value $97]

[Bonus] Partners that Work!: Need a study buddy? Find and maintain a mutually beneficial study partnership by using our Partners that Work! script.  [Value $27]

[Bonus] Bar Exam Mindset Cure: Get support within our closed door mindset support group. [Value $195]

[Bonus] Bar Victory!: A relaxing and confidence-inducing recorded visualization to use in the days and weeks leading up to the exam. [Value $17]

[Bonus] Bar Exam Lifeline: Get personally e-coached for 30 days by a Bar Exam Mindset Mentor. Limited Availability [Value $497]

Total Value $1,486 

Your Price Today $27 


Use this mighty system to create your best bar exam study plan now.


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Get Bar Exam Ready Today!

A mighty system designed to lead you step-by-step through creating a perfect study plan for you WITH the best study methodologies and correct techniques for your unique learning and studying characteristics.  You won't get this type of tailor-made study plan anywhere on the net (or in big box bar reviews). 

Plus, with Bar Exam Ready you'll get support & resources to keep you motivated and consistent through your entire study season, no matter what changes the officials throw at you.

  • Personal Blueprint [Value $149]

  • Show Notes [Value $27]

  • Plan Creation Formula [Value $97]

  • Study Plan Playbook [Value $97]

  • Plan Creation Template [Value $27]

  • Study Rx [Value $199]

  • Study Helper Strategy Bank [Value $57]

  • Closure ID [Value $97]

[Bonus] Partners that Work (ready-to-use script) [Value $27]

[Bonus] Bar Exam Mindset Cure (mindset support group) [Value $195]

[Bonus] Bar Victory! (recorded visualization)  [Value $17]

[Bonus] Bar Exam Lifeline (email coaching)  [Value $497]

Lifeline email access to a Bar exam mentor is limited for sanity’s sake.  So, secure your position in Bar Exam Ready before spots run out.

Total Value $1,486 

Your Price Today $27 

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  • Personal Blueprint [Value $149]

  • Show Notes [Value $27]

  • Plan Creation Formula [Value $97]

  • Study Plan Playbook [Value $97]

  • Plan Creation Template [Value $27]

  • Study Rx [Value $199]

  • Study Helper Strategy Bank [Value $57]

  • Closure ID [Value $97]

[Bonus] Partners that Work [Value $27]

[Bonus] Bar Exam Mindset Cure [Value $195]

[Bonus] Bar Victory!  [Value $17]

[Bonus] Bar Exam Lifeline  [Value $497]


Total Value $1,486 

Today’s Price $27 

How Bar Exam Ready helps:

“I love knowing what I need to accomplish on a daily basis.  I love this process….  Preparation is the key to success.”

-Annette Smith, JD

“Knowing my [activators] and how they correlate with my ability to study has been a game changer.”

- Maloni Jones, JD

“Knowing that MY study style can be incorporated for the Bar and it’s gonna work for me—that's huge!  Thank you!”

-Bianca Pearson, JD 

“I’m actually excited about preparing for the UBE.  Thank you! You have helped me tremendously.”

-Alexis Eason, JD

What you’ll get with e-coaching:

“I felt relieved because I was speaking to someone who actually knew what I was going through and didn’t give me a blanket, generalized encouragement like ‘just think positive.’"

- Ronisha Miller, J.D.

What you’ll experience in our mindset group:

“I love the fact this group is extremely friendly and supportive! I’m glad Jennifer Duclair creates a safe space for us to share and feel great!“

- Vanessa Fleming, JD

This offer is a limited time and limited space. Email access to a Bar exam mentor has to be limited for sanity’s sake.  So sign up before the deal runs out.


With all the money you’ve invested into law school, don’t you now want to reap the rewards of having your law license? Wouldn’t you kick yourself if you walked away from one $27 thing that could’ve made all the difference?

You now know your study plan needs to be tailored. You can go back to DIYing in the dark, or you can get the one resource that helps you expertly tailor your study plan in under 30 minutes.

What’s moving on with your life worth to you?  

This is by far the best thing I’ve done since starting law school.  I learned so much about myself, my strengths, my weaknesses, and most of all, how to overcome my fears and insecurities.  I am beyond grateful to Jennifer Duclair.

-Winnie Jean-Pierre, JD

Are you ready for the good life?

pass the bar with this personalized study plan and move on with your life.


+ How much time will this take?

The workshop series can take as little as 20 minutes if you use the show notes. Putting together your completed study plan takes as little as 10 minutes. All in, you can walk away with a study plan ready to go and confidently implement in as little as 30 minutes! However, if you like commentary or just need to hear the encouragement and wisdom imparted to other bar takers just like you, you can listen to the entire Personal Blueprint recording (approximately 2 hours). Let it play in the background as you do housework, drive to work, etc. That’s 120 minutes of goodness to pick you up when you’re down.

+ How fast can I expect results?

You’ll be ready to go with your customized study plan as soon as the workshop is done. Even before you finish, you’ll feel the energy and enthusiasm coursing through your veins because you’ll finally understand what went wrong in the past and have a solid solution that you can implement right away.

+ Will this work for any state's Bar Exam?

Yes. We walk you through exactly how to plug in each necessary study subject for your jurisdiction.

+ Do I need any special software or program to use this?

The digital asset bundles are easily accessible to you on google drive.

+ I already bought bar materials, can I still use those?

Yes, Bar Exam Ready teaches you how to adapt your already purchased materials to be super-efficient for your specific learning needs. If you don’t have materials, this workshop will help you find out what the best ones are for you.

+ I already paid thousands for a bar prep course. How is this any different?

Just because you paid for it doesn’t mean it’s good. The high fail rate supports that. One would think maybe all those people who failed took a DIY route. On the contrary, most people come to me with the most devastating of failures, having checked off all the boxes on big box bar review, paid for private tutors, and still failed. Most people don’t realize the generic bar prep plan isn’t working for them until they’re halfway through bar prep. By then it's too late to switch gears. Moreover, it’s human nature to justify and defend our steep expenses (they won't admit their $3,000 investment is a bust) so they go down with the ship. I encourage you to think of the personalized plan you’ll create here (for less time and money than a dinner out) as a backup plan. At the very least you’ll know what study activities to emphasize even as you follow along with the generic plan. At least this way you'll get the most use out of your generics.

+ How long will it take to finish my study plan?

If you use the show notes and the Plan Creation Formula, it will take less than 30 minutes to create a completely customized plan (that would normally cost you $740 to get from a private tutor).

+ Are there any hidden monthly fees or extra costs?

No. You get all this for a single payment of $27.

+ I’m afraid to deviate from the bar prep plan I paid for.

Then don’t. Use the information you learn about yourself to better understand which activities are working for you in your bar rep course, and which study activities are useless and running you into the ground, and to keep your stamina up through the grueling study season. This type of personalized information is not offered in the bar prep course that cost you thousands of dollars. So, pick it up for $27 here and use it as insurance to make sure your studying goes well.

+ I feel I already know this information about myself? What new things will I learn?

If you soared through school, even law school, without a single hitch even when personal problems cropped up, and you studied 12 hour days for multiple weeks on end with immense pressure overhead (like you’ll be required to for the Bar) then you will probably make it without this product. However, if you had any pressures or issues in school that impeded your progress—be it social or academic, or you’re studying while working or taking care of children, you’ll want to dig into the self-revealing assessments and suggestions inside Bar Exam Ready. I always advise you go ahead and follow the Plan Creation Formula to make your study plan compare it to the generic one and then choose which study plan you want to go with in the end. When things get rough you’ll be glad you have an option that still gets the job done.

+ Is the workshop an opener to buy your services in the future? Like an introductory call, to purchase another program?

Bar Exam Ready is a complete solution to provide you the promised result Boldly printed at the top of the page, a personally tailored private tutor level bar exam study plan ready to use as soon as you’re done with the course. As a matter of fact, I am so committed to your results that you’ll see Bar Exam Ready includes bonuses to ensure you’re taken care of even after you’ve gone through the program and completed your personally tailored study schedule. These bonuses are items and services that mentees usually pay to get access to within my mentoring circle. You are getting access to all of it for free.


Personal Blueprint [Value $149]

Show Notes [Value $27]

Plan Creation Formula [Value $97]

Study Plan Playbook [Value $97]

Plan Creation Template [Value $27]

Study Rx [Value $199]

Study Helper Strategy Bank [Value $57]

Closure ID [Value $97]

[Bonus] Partners that Work [Value $27]

[Bonus] Bar Exam Mindset Cure [Value $195]

[Bonus] Bar Victory!  [Value $17]

[Bonus] Bar Exam Lifeline  [Value $497]

Total Value $1,486 

Today’s Price $27 

Bar Exam Lifeline is a limited space bonus due to requirements of expert bar exam mentor’s time. Through Bar Exam Lifeline you can get personally coached. Sign up before space runs out.

Bar Exam Ready


  • Personal Blueprint [Value $149]

  • Show Notes [Value $27]

  • Plan Creation Formula [Value $97]

  • Study Plan Playbook [Value $97]

  • Plan Creation Template [Value $27]

  • Study Rx [Value $199]

  • Study Helper Strategy Bank [Value $57]

  • Closure ID [Value $97]

[Bonus] Partners that Work [Value $27]

[Bonus] Bar Exam Mindset Cure [Value $195]

[Bonus] Bar Victory!  [Value $17]

[Bonus] Bar Exam Lifeline  [Value $497]

Total Value $1,486 

Today’s Price $27 

Knowing my [activators] and how they correlate with my ability to study has been a game changer. - Maloni Jones


Knowing that MY study style can be incorporated for the Bar and it’s gonna work for me—that's huge!  Thank you! -Bianca Pearson


I’m actually excited about preparing for the UBE.  Thank you! You have helped me tremendously. -Alexis Eason
