Imagine you could add 127 points to your exam score with virtually no effort.

Think of how much more time & energy you'd have to take care of yourself.

Perhaps you'd finally enjoy dinner with your family, spend time talking with a friend, or even enjoy your netflix binge.

There's only one problem.

raising your scores

After all, don't you need to study 12 hours a day

to do that?

Well, sure, if you have unlimited time and money to slave away.

Typically, a personal bar study plan is not even offered a la carte--and if you invest in the $3,000 bar prep course (that you probably don't even need) you'll have to cough up another $745 to get your study plan personalized to you (they know you need it personalized, they just aren't willing to do it--especially not when you'll just as easily buy their generic course without objection).

That kinda increases your chances of failing

Fortunately, there's a more efficient way

With Bar Exam Ready study plan workshop, you can create a study plan that is specifically tailored to accentuates your strengths and compensate for your weaknesses within minutes

With our revolutionary workshop, you'll get:

  • learn material more easily so you breeze through study sessions

  • sharpen focus so you internalize and retain what you learned

  • increase memorization so you get your practice questions right--yes!!

  • save time so you can rest, rejuvenate, and take care of yourself

  • maintain motivation so you don't waste weeks of valuable study time trying to "get back in the saddle"

  • decrease anxiety so you feel better and perform better on your actual exam to beat the bar

It's like having your own private bar exam tutor

Minus the the $3,000 expense

But don't just take our word for it. Read what our bar studyers

have to say:

“I did everything that they say you're supposed to do and I didn't pass. Now I know what techniques work better for me. I have been seeing better results. I'm catching more issues in the essays I'm able to stay on time, my multiple choice is great.”

-- Victoria J., Miami FL

“I used to constantly worry about whether I was studying enough. Now I'm content with my study sessions. I am able to take breaks without feeling guilty. My scores have improved drastically as a result too.”

-- Paulette E., West Hartford, CT

“I am actually excited about preparing for the UBE! Thank you!”

-- Alexis E., Memphis, TN

Maybe even after reading what our bar studyers

think, you're still on the fence.

That's OK.

You could ignore this offer and continue...

... wasting money on endless new resources hoping it will do the trick

... wasting time studying in the wrong way--only discouraging yourself when you don't see results

... doubting yourself more every day because despite all your work your scores are sporadic or stay very low

... avoiding practice until the last minute because you hate all that negative feedback when you get it wrong

... settling for just imagining your free time to take care of yourself, spend with family, talk with your friends, or spend a night binging on your favorite show

Or, for just ONE PAYMENT of $27, you could use Bar Exam Ready and get...

  • precise direction on the best study methods for your brain, cutting your study time in half

  • mind-blowing insight into your strengths and weaknesses so you know what to do to maximize stellar performance on the bar

  • professional, private, tutor-quality bar exam study plan so you know exactly what to do and when to do it

  • access to bar tutors and mentors to navigate any obstacles that crop up during study season

  • higher scores that could just turn your dreams of free time to take care of yourself, spend with family, talk with your friends, or spend a night binging on your favorite showinto a reality.


If you're ready to add 127 points to your exam score with virtually no effort, you'll want to take advantage of our special $27 limited time offer now.

Because maybe like you, people find it hard to believe they can get so much value with such a small price tag--and we're not in the game of convincing.  This comprehensive workshop will be re-priced soon--to match the massive value we're giving.

Grab this course and all the live help and bar coach access before the price increases



We offer a no-questions ask guarantee. If you don't benefit immensely from Bar Exam Ready within 30 days, click reply and let us know. We'll refund you every penny you paid for Bar Exam Ready, no questions asked.

Bar Exam Ready-Digital-Horizontal Template.png

What’s Included:

Personal Blueprint: Video road map where I walk you through the steps to develop your personal tutor style study plan. Contains examples and explanations for those who want to now why this method works. [Value $149]

Show Notes: Our “fast track”. Get your personal study plan done in under 30 minutes with these visual summaries and recap of the most important points in the Personal Blueprint. [Value $27]

Plan Creation Formula: The exact step-by-step process to lay out their completely study plan in the scientifically proven way that increases memory and recall of your information. [Value $97]

Study Plan Playbook: Your resource hub. It contains everything you need to get the most out of Bar Exam Ready. [Value $97]

Plan Creation Template: No fuss, computer-editable, calendar to you can fill in your daily study details and have it easily handy every time you sit to study. [Value $27]

Study Rx: To test and diagnose your study problems. The combined results will lead to your perfect bar study plan (and easier study sessions). [Value $199]

Study Helper Strategy Bank: All the strategies you need to include in your plan to make studying fun and efficient.   [Value $57]

Closure ID: Supplemental Q&A bank that helps solve last minute problems with your study plan problems. [Value $97]

[Bonus] Partners that Work!: Need a study buddy? Find and maintain a mutually beneficial study partnership by using our Partners that Work! script.  [Value $27]

[Bonus] Bar Exam Mindset Cure: Get support within our closed door mindset support group. [Value $195]

[Bonus] Bar Victory!: A relaxing and confidence-inducing recorded visualization to use in the days and weeks leading up to the exam. [Value $17]

[Bonus] Bar Exam Lifeline: Get personally e-coached for 30 days by a Bar Exam Mindset Mentor. Limited Availability [Value $497]

Total Value $1,486 

Your Price Today $27 

Use this mighty system to create your best bar exam study plan now.




+ How much time will this take?

The workshop series can take as little as 20 minutes if you use the show notes. Putting together your completed study plan takes as little as 10 minutes. All in, you can walk away with a study plan ready to go and confidently implement in as little as 30 minutes! However, if you like commentary or just need to hear the encouragement and wisdom imparted to other bar takers just like you, you can listen to the entire Personal Blueprint recording (approximately 2 hours). Let it play in the background as you do housework, drive to work, etc. That’s 120 minutes of goodness to pick you up when you’re down.

+ How fast can I expect results?

You’ll be ready to go with your customized study plan as soon as the workshop is done. Even before you finish, you’ll feel the energy and enthusiasm coursing through your veins because you’ll finally understand what went wrong in the past and have a solid solution that you can implement right away.

+ Will this work for any state's Bar Exam?

Yes. We walk you through exactly how to plug in each necessary study subject for your jurisdiction.

+ Do I need any special software or program to use this?

The digital asset bundles are easily accessible to you on google drive.

+ I already bought bar materials, can I still use those?

Yes, Bar Exam Ready teaches you how to adapt your already purchased materials to be super-efficient for your specific learning needs. If you don’t have materials, this workshop will help you find out what the best ones are for you.

+ I already paid thousands for a bar prep course. How is this any different?

Just because you paid for it doesn’t mean it’s good. The high fail rate supports that. One would think maybe all those people who failed took a DIY route. On the contrary, most people come to me with the most devastating of failures, having checked off all the boxes on big box bar review, paid for private tutors, and still failed. Most people don’t realize the generic bar prep plan isn’t working for them until they’re halfway through bar prep. By then it's too late to switch gears. Moreover, it’s human nature to justify and defend our steep expenses (they won't admit their $3,000 investment is a bust) so they go down with the ship. I encourage you to think of the personalized plan you’ll create here (for less time and money than a dinner out) as a backup plan. At the very least you’ll know what study activities to emphasize even as you follow along with the generic plan. At least this way you'll get the most use out of your generics.

+ How long will it take to finish my study plan?

If you use the show notes and the Plan Creation Formula, it will take less than 30 minutes to create a completely customized plan (that would normally cost you $740 to get from a private tutor).

+ Are there any hidden monthly fees or extra costs?

No. You get all this for a single payment of $27.

+ I’m afraid to deviate from the bar prep plan I paid for.

Then don’t. Use the information you learn about yourself to better understand which activities are working for you in your bar rep course, and which study activities are useless and running you into the ground, and to keep your stamina up through the grueling study season. This type of personalized information is not offered in the bar prep course that cost you thousands of dollars. So, pick it up for $27 here and use it as insurance to make sure your studying goes well.

+ I feel I already know this information about myself? What new things will I learn?

If you soared through school, even law school, without a single hitch even when personal problems cropped up, and you studied 12 hour days for multiple weeks on end with immense pressure overhead (like you’ll be required to for the Bar) then you will probably make it without this product. However, if you had any pressures or issues in school that impeded your progress—be it social or academic, or you’re studying while working or taking care of children, you’ll want to dig into the self-revealing assessments and suggestions inside Bar Exam Ready. I always advise you go ahead and follow the Plan Creation Formula to make your study plan compare it to the generic one and then choose which study plan you want to go with in the end. When things get rough you’ll be glad you have an option that still gets the job done.

+ Is the workshop an opener to buy your services in the future? Like an introductory call, to purchase another program?

Bar Exam Ready is a complete solution to provide you the promised result Boldly printed at the top of the page, a personally tailored private tutor level bar exam study plan ready to use as soon as you’re done with the course. As a matter of fact, I am so committed to your results that you’ll see Bar Exam Ready includes bonuses to ensure you’re taken care of even after you’ve gone through the program and completed your personally tailored study schedule. These bonuses are items and services that mentees usually pay to get access to within my mentoring circle. You are getting access to all of it for free.