Use this Relationship Hack to Quicken Your Path to Success

Do you have a dream? Something you know you really, really want to do? But sometimes fervor falters?

Below is a 3 point guide to enlisting support and growing—through the most commonly supportive relationship to success, mentoring.

Find someone who believes you can do it and can see you doing it too. Belief from someone is crucial. We want to go it alone, lone ranger style. And while you can accomplish it this way, it’s longer and harder. There’s a reason why behind every great man is a phenomenal woman. The belief in you, from someone whom you respect, goes a long way to fill in your gap of disbelief when faith falters.

Find a person (can be the same one) who ideally went through the hardships you are currently experiencing, got to the other side, and is living a life similar to what you desire. This way their belief in you is more believable. Plus you have someone to normalize the success you’re after and normalize the work you have to put in to get there. “Is this normal?” is a question you can ask a mentor who has been there. If they’re living a life you admire, it’s more likely your values line up, which is also important when following a mentor.

Interact with the person daily, however, you can. If it is a friend or mentor that you have personal access to, ask as many questions as you can and observe, observe, observe their life. If the person is an online figure, read and interact with all the blog posts, articles, videos, and social media posts that the person puts out there. It REALLY helps to comment on posts or answer whatever question they put forth because you have now communicated to your own spirit that you are serious about internalizing this information.

Personal Illustration:

The most fuel for motivation I have received was from actually getting to see how my role model lives.  I got close, struck up conversations, attended events she hosted or attended.  I joined online groups that she is a part of. And I witnessed her thought processes and her worldview in real-life applications.

In being around so much I got to speaking to her directly about my own thoughts and seeing where I could shift things to adopt a more successful way of thinking. People do rub off on you.  So, find someone whose current life you admire and get close.

This is the most common way and most effective I have found so far to bridge the gap from where you are and who you are today to where you want to be and the life you want to live tomorrow.

Take a moment to think of who around you is living the life you want and likely went through the steps that you are going through. Then, quickly brainstorm how you can develop a relationship with that person so you can begin to benefit from the light they carry.

In JOURNEY aspiring attorneys get a chance to foster the relationships that are directly linked to success. In the end, JOURNEY members are cool and confident approaching the Bar, enjoying the life they’ve built with their new mindset shifts, and certain about their future. There’s no greater formula for success out there.

Led by a mindset mentor (me!) who’s walked the path they are currently on, they get the benefit of regular check-ins, accountability, someone who is looking out for them, and crucial mindset shifts only a fully trained and certified life coach can deliver. Click here to learn more about JOURNEY.