Pass the Bar Exam with Intuitive Studying

“Pray and move your feet,” is my business coach’s constant refrain.

Whether you’re religious, spiritual or a left-brained goal getter, we all have “rituals” we do to claim our desired reality.   It means that yes,you’re seeking inspiration and guidance but you’re also following through with regularly scheduled activities.  It’s in this place you’ll get miraculous nudges that lead you to passing the bar. 

No more waiting ‘til when it “feels right” to start studying.

Combine practical + spiritual

Repressing your spiritual side –or your inner world or your creative & fluid nature–whatever you call it–repressing it for the sake of bar prep spells disaster.

A lot of lawyer-types think you have to choose one or the other, practical legal or spiritual whatever.  But there’s no need to lock away your spiritual side just because you chose a legal career.  One of the delightful things you’ll discover in my community is how to combine and rely on both sides of you.

With its cookie cutter systems and modules, bar prep doesn’t seem to leave room for all sides of you.  Below, I’ll show you how to incorporate your spirit side into passing the exam.

1. Meditation

If you’re into “quiet time” “prayer” or other forms of quiet connection to self, you can bring that into your bar prep by dedicating that time to visions of success and joy while you study.  

2. Creativity

Do you sing, draw, dance, or write poetry?  These are all about creating.  Why not take a new focus and create an illustration around your new lawyer life.  Or if that’s too unbelievable for you (whatever you create has to feel real) create a song, dance or work of art around diligently and happily studying for the bar exam.

3. Intuitive Guidance

 Do you believe in such things as hearing a special voice, synchronicities, or even angel numbers?  One bar studyer diligently worked at her daily study schedule but would often hear a voice saying “look back at torts” or “review corporations one more time”  And she’d just flip to that section of her material, give it a review, and then go back to business as usual.  This is a beautiful way of honoring your still small voice. 

Maybe you remember a time you had internal nudges like this, but it turned out to be senseless, distracting and time-consuming throwing you off your study rhythm.  This intuitive nudge that my client experienced was different from anxious, compulsive studying because her regular calm and peaceful attitude was not disturbed when the voice spoke up.   And her follow through and return to usual schedule was as fluid as a dance. 

Next time you think there’s no room in the law for your spiritual side, think again.  

To get started with a beautiful spirit filled study session, use my Study Preparation Guided Meditation.  It’ll put you in touch with your inner wisdom and motivate you to study for the bar.