Why You Failed the Bar Exam

Don’t take it personally

This article is short and frank. I speak from experience, both personal and from mentoring other very smart and high-achieving individuals to pass the bar after failing once, twice, or more.

What makes me understand you?

I’m not a one hit wonder. I failed twice before finally passing. I wish someone addressed this non-traditional line of questioning with me sooner. The fact is I had to go outside of bar exam world into the coaching world to get the answers to why a studious, hard-working individual, such as myself, couldn’t pass. So take this how I mean it, as a gift meant to shorten your path from confusion to finally passing. There’s no judgment here.

Let’s get on with it.

5 Minutes to Understanding Why You Didn't Pass the Bar Exam

Was failing the bar highly embarrassing?

You have supportive family and friends who tell you it's not a big deal...

Yet you are really afraid of not passing again.

You may be confused as to why you failed.  You went down the list of things you should and shouldn't do and yes you kept all the "rules" of bar study.

Maybe you were in your head more than you wanted to be. 

Maybe you were more cynical and negative than you usually are.

Maybe you were plagued with bar exam dreams/nightmares, not able to fully rest. 

Maybe that affected your family and love relationships. 

Maybe failing the bar is already impacting your future plans, you're stuck in limbo, you’ve lost job opportunities, and you're unable to move on. 

Maybe failing the bar is now calling into question your ability to accomplish your other goals.

Does any of the above apply?

What if you could take down your armor and be real about your thoughts and emotions around the bar and finally resolve them? Would that be helpful?

What if you could clarify the exact way to quiet the head-noise and be at peace through this process? Would that increase your contentment? 

What if you could re-center and anchor yourself so you don't give off all that negative energy to the people you love? Would this remove "alienating my loved ones" from your list of worries? 

I thought so.  

There's something that I do to help you get clarity on just how to accomplish all this.  It's called a Confidence Kickstart call.  I have space for about 3 of them next week.  Learn more using this link.