PRE- Bar Prep Masterclass

Gain control over your mind and emotions to ensure successful studies.

In this pre-bar exam masterclass you will learn:

  • The culprits behind the fictional anxious and worrisome thoughts 1st timers have about the bar exam

  • The scary thing about unchecked pre-bar exam worries and why you should get ahead of them


  • What to do to save your bar exam, even if your fears are based in reality

You’ll even learn:

The specific steps I teach my high-level clients to get long-lasting calm before bar season starts.


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Jennifer cracked the riddle to the Bar Exam retake cycle, uncovering the ONE THING Law schools and Bar reviews hadn’t been covering in class—mindset prep.

With the proven, repeatable process that Jennifer created, she went on to blast through barrier after barrier to achieve each new goal she set.

Armed with a set system to transform any hurdle into fuel for success, she turned to helping others who experienced the same setbacks she once did.

She began teaching and coaching Bar Exam takers on how to transform setbacks, shift mindset, and blast past barriers so they could excel on the Bar Exam and beyond.

Jennifer competently guides committed, resourceful, and coachable. Bar Exam takers to shorten their wait between graduation and swearing-in date; and to close this chapter of academia so they can finally move on to their attorney lives.