Ready to kickstart your confidence?

I knew I would crush the Bar exam.

I started college at 15.

I was traveling the world with my degree by the time I was 20.

I got into a top-tier law school while I was raising a child, serving in the military, and working.

I knew the Bar exam would be a piece of cake, if I studied hard. I would study hard, focus, and walk away with another successful test behind me.

Except that isn’t how the story went at all.

I studied, I worked hard, I sat for the exam… And I failed. More than once.

After several failures, I had a choice. I could let the shame and doubt overwhelm me, or I could face head-on whatever barriers were holding me back. I knew it wasn’t my intellect, it wasn’t my work ethic, it wasn’t my studying method.

It was something else.

It was my mindset.

There were truths about myself, the real fears I had internalized, that I had to face and overcome to achieve my goals.

I have taken everything I learned through my own experiences and crafted a proven, transferable Mindset Mentoring approach to help others blast through barrier after barrier to achieve every goal––starting with the Bar Exam.

Ready to kickstart your confidence? Book a kickstart call today and start taking control of your future success! Click the button below!