Success is a journey, not a destination," and this rings true for the bar exam. 

Success is a journey, not a destination," and this rings true for the bar exam. 

While passing the bar is a remarkable achievement, remember that success isn't always a straight path. Sometimes a bar exam attempt doesn’t end successfully. 

Your worth and intelligence are not defined by those setbacks. Instead, they offer an opportunity to refine your skills and learn from your mistakes.

Get our Retake Success solution to overcome uncertainty and fear around the bar exam. 

Gain valuable tips for reducing stress, building resilience, and fostering a positive outlook that will benefit your studies and future as a lawyer. Experience transformative exercises that help you really heal the hurts.

In this on-demand workshop we’ll unpack emotional baggage and move forward with purpose and determination. 

Don't let past failures define your future. Sign up for Retake Success and find success today! 

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