New Attorney Learning Curve: How to get out of it faster.

Are you a new attorney starting out but feeling overwhelmed, disorganized and like you're not matching the skills that you laid out on your resume? Are you fearing that the people who hired you will realize that you don't really know what you're doing, that your skills only scratch the surface? Are you already missing deadlines or turning in the wrong thing when asked for work? If so, you'll want to watch this video to the end.

Achieving a Healthier Legal Career: Rewire Your Mind for Success

Are you feeling like your legal career is taking a toll on your health? Do you sense that you're on the brink of a health crisis, experiencing more frequent illnesses, and perhaps even chronic conditions? If the stress of your job is getting to you, it's time to explore the mental aspect of your work that may be contributing to your health issues. In this blog post, I'm here to show you how to reprogram your thoughts to approach your legal profession differently, regain your health, and perhaps even find a better work-life balance.