
Bar Exam Repeater? Recover and pass the bar.


Here's what you'll learn from this guide:

How To Discover The Real Culprits Behind Bar Exam Failing (It’s Different For Everyone)
How to constructively process the setbacks (to make a killer comeback)
The Right Steps To Take To Turn Things Around (This Has Been Tested And Proven With Bar Takers)
Key Changes That Yield Better Bar Study And Exam Results
And The Most Important Factor To Passing The Bar (It’s A Game Changer, But Little Spoken Of)

Jennifer’s Story: “Passing the Bar the first time, and getting a job right after, is the coveted route. No other outcome crossed my mind.

I prided myself on having never failed at anything before. I believed this Bar Exam would be no sweat. I went and sat for the Bar, and I failed.

You’re talking about the girl who started college at age 15; was traipsing around the world worry-free with degree in hand by age 20; and had gotten through a top-tier Law School curriculum while raising a child— alone, serving in the military and working!

I couldn’t even begin to add up how failing the Bar had happened.”…

Jennifer cracked the riddle to the Bar Exam retake cycle, uncovering the ONE THING Law schools and Bar reviews hadn’t been covering in class—mindset prep.

With the proven, repeatable process that Jennifer created, she went on to blast through barrier after barrier to achieve each new goal she set.

Armed with a set system to transform any hurdle into fuel for success, she turned to helping others who experienced the same setbacks she once did.

She began teaching and coaching Bar Exam takers on how to transform setbacks, shift mindset, and blast past barriers so they could excel on the Bar Exam and beyond.

Jennifer competently guides committed, resourceful, and coachable. Bar Exam takers to shorten their wait between graduation and swearing-in date; and to close this chapter of academia so they can finally move on to their attorney lives.

Get Jennifer's Guide To Pass The Bar Exam With Ease


See What Others Have To Say

Rebecca Hendricks, Esquire
University of Florida, Levin College of Law
Class of 2016

Before I started working with Jennifer, I was in a super-negative state of mind; absolutely obsessed with the Bar and my life revolving completely around it.  I was off on so many levels-- operating out of fear, panic, and desperation; not knowing if I could get past the Bar.  As much as I tried to use positive platitudes, the big negative energy was still in the background.  I had failed three times before and everyone was telling me how I had to pass this time.  I tried to resist taking it in, but I felt all of the pressure. 

When I started working with Jennifer, I finally felt like I was on the right path.  I felt free of the pressure.  The desperation was gone.  Everything loosened up and I could finally achieve what I wanted.  I passed the Bar.  I felt vindicated.  There is a better, healthier, more self-aware way to pass the Bar.  And this work applies to things way beyond the Bar.  It’s changed my life.

Kawansi Taylor, Esquire
I didn't question whether a Mindset Session would work for me. Most things are mind over matter. I did my research and found Jennifer to be a reputable individual, which proved to be true. After connecting with Jennifer, my studies changed, as did my perspective. The Bar Exam was no longer this big bad monster or be-all-end-all thing that I believed it to be in the beginning. I passed the New York Bar.

Michelle Thomas Drew, JD, DBA, CPC
Current Adjunct Professor

I had to overcome some deep-seated thoughts, feelings, and perspectives in other areas of my life to push past where I mentally needed to be with taking this exam. [read the full interview here]