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So you are a CERTAINTY person.
Hi, I'm Jennifer Duclair, lead mindset mentor, teacher, attorney and coach. I help law school graduates pass the bar exam by focusing solely on mindset practices. After years of success, I have a growing specialty in helping graduates from a wide-range of degree programs pass their life defining licensing exams and professional certification tests as well. If you are or will be studying for a major exam that spells the difference between whether you can move forward with your career or not, you are in the right place. Watch the video above and read advice for your type below.
If you ranked highly in Certainty you operate inside the box.
Structure, stability, checklists... things like that are important to you. Your motto is “better safe than sorry“. You minimize risk.
What’s the problem with that?
It can mean you get overwhelmed with checking off the boxes.
It leads to listening to advice from an authority figure and following it even if it’s not suitable for you.
You may find yourself “going down with the ship”.
You may be convincing yourself that if you “just follow the process“ it’ll work.
Except it’s not possible.
The process is general. Those study plans are geared towards hundreds and thousands of test takers. But you are unique. You need specific. Which means your study plan will likely look different from the “tried and true".
You have to be willing to change how you do things. For you, staying the same is risky business.
So here’s the new mindset you need to adopt: let go of being right. Risk it now, during practice, so that you can win it later on your actual exam. Take advantage of free trial periods on your study resources and really measure your results to see if that study plan works for you. Dive into practicing questions, even if you would rather no more first. Celebrate your Divine showing you what you need to study through the use of getting answers wrong during your practice sessions.