"If I still was in the dark about a new way to bar prep, my recovery would take longer"


Right after I made my study plan… life got in the way with Christmas prep, but I didn’t stress because I had some extra days off included in my schedule.

Then on Sunday had to be admitted for an appendectomy. I’m still not able to study at this point, however, because I took the time to plan it out, I know I have a very small cushion of extra time,.

I am not going to waste study time with methods that don’t work for me,.

I am not freaking out!

I cannot thank you enough for that.. If I still was in the dark about a new way to bar prep, my recovery would take longer. I would be sick as a dog right now, and my attitude would bleed over and affect my family during the holidays.

Thank you for everything so far. I know I have a lot of work to put in still, and studying, but just this small victory means so much. Thank you.

- Andrea via Facebook Messanger