Find out how Bar Exam takers are blasting past barriers to beat the Bar. Personal barriers are as individual as a person's fingerprint. They're based on your personal history, current experiences and deeply ingrained beliefs that you may have forgotten or logically discredited, but still unconsciously live by.

These barriers, if left unchallenged, can cause an exam taker to

  • procrastinate on their studies,

  • second-guess their answers,

  • avoid practice exams, and

  • shun the study tools that are crucial to passing the Bar.

These barriers also cause exam takers to literally sabotage their efforts by

  • over-studying,

  • over-committing to non-study activities,

  • not keeping boundaries,

  • ignoring their finances, and

  • making drastic life changes right before or during study season (like moving homes or changing their relationship status).



Beat the Bar!™ is a 90 day game changer that will empower you to BREAK THROUGH THESE BARRIERS to Pass the Bar.

In this premier law school graduate’s program, you discover how to: 

•Regain and maintain crucial confidence for test time, even if you've failed before
•Be unshakably in the zone and laser-focused for massively effective study time
•Find out what's really behind self-doubt when you answer multiple choice questions—and how to move beyond it
•Balance study, work, and family time for increased personal fulfillment

If you want to build a successful attorney career, it all starts with passing the Bar.

Are you a Bar Exam student who struggles to get to and through study time? It may be that by the time you get to your practice questions you're so mentally drained and physically tired that you simply can't do your best. Many Bar takers don’t know what to do to get past these circumstances.

They waste time on self-help books and YouTube videos by "gurus" who haven't the faintest idea what it's like to sit for the Bar Exam at all, much less sitting for a repeat attempt. Many Bar takers, unfortunately, waste a LOT of money taking the test over and over again. On each attempt, they're never quite sure if they’ve got the ‘magic pill’ this time.

You don’t have to be like many Bar takers.

I went through these issues myself, finally worked out the formula to getting past mental and emotional barriers, and went on to pass the Bar.

I realized “Exam takers need this!”

No one else is helping them with the mindset issues around the Bar Exam—especially not with the stigma of being a repeat Bar taker.

Many Bar takers would have absolutely passed a whole lot sooner if they knew that mindset issues were a factor--and if they had an effective solution for dealing with them.

Beat the Bar!™ is a unique and effective solution to your Bar Exam woes.

So... if you're a first-time taker with your academic support lined up and a dedication to keep to your study requirements... or you're a repeat Bar Exam taker whose endured the test already and are ready to be DONE...

and you are,

  • Coachable,

  • Growth-minded (very important), and

  • Desiring to evolve into a bigger, better version of yourself as you Ace this Bar…

…schedule a call to talk about which Bar Exam Mentor program would be best for you.

Click to schedule a Confidence Kickstart call.

It’s a No pressure call that will start you off with great clarity and guidance on where you are, where you want to be and how to get there. We’ll uncover what’s been holding you back and explore solutions. That’s right! You will come away with actionable advice you can implement right away.

If you want personal one-on-one support to continue to uncover and resolve issues and get increasingly more successful in your studies, we’ll consider the possibilities for you to enroll in Beat the Bar!™ or one of the other Bar Exam Mentor solutions.