The real issues keeping you from passing the Bar

(if you missed part one “Stop Talking to your Therapist about the Bar Exam”, click here

Unconscious issues are factors that are present (and impacting your bar exam performance), but you aren’t even aware of them, because you’ve lived with them for so long that they are completely normal to you. 

But your normal isn’t allowing you to pass the bar.

…Looks like your normal needs to change. 

What does a change look like?

Diagnose what all your bar exam problems represent. Academic issue? Or unconscious mindset issues? (If you’re talking to your therapist about the bar, you’ve already determined it’s a mindset issue--you just don’t know which aspect of mindset is the problem--and your therapist probably doesn’t know either).

Determine which aspect of your mindset needs adjustment. (That’s what I do for you in a private Confidence Kickstart Call--more info on that below).

Create a plan to shift your mindset in the area, taking down the hurdles so you can excel on the bar. (again, Confidence Kickstart Call)

Say you’re on step 1.  The Bar Exam has become the focus of more than one of your therapy sessions.  But we’ve already discussed how therapy won’t help you pass the Bar.  So how will you move on from step 1 to complete step 2?  

Introducing Bar Pass Plan...

What you need is a conversation with an experienced Bar Exam Mentor to diagnose and resolve the mindset problems keeping you from passing the bar. 

I’m Jennifer and I help bar takers get out of the study-fail-repeat cycle by going to the unconscious root of their bar exam problems.  When I bring my coaching techniques to bear, mindset problems dissolve.  My techniques are styled after renowned psychologist Carl Jung and honed with lots of training and experience helping bar applicants like you.    

Hundreds of law grads also thought “What will this work look like?” “I don’t think I have a lot of time” and “I’ve been this way so long I don’t think it’s possible to change” all found help in our programs and passed the Bar.  The reason it works for such a wide variety of bar takers is that the sessions are tailored to you specifically. But you only get such tailoring with personal help.

During the Confidence Kickstart call, I will personally go through your presenting problems and show you exactly what part of your unconscious mind is holding you back.  Then we’ll create a plan to shift your mind and get you past this bar exam phase.  Knowing about your problem is the key to your bar exam solution.  Are you ready for a revelation? 

What is a Confidence Kickstart Call?

A one-time session where you get your diagnosis and your strategy (the Bar Pass Plan). 

If you know the problem is not academic, you need to find out what the real problem is. You also need to know how to fix it.

Don’t take another step without ascertaining exactly what is up with your mindset. 

Make this appointment.