This 2 minute read can stop you being on edge about bar exam results  

What to do after the bar exam.

I'm sharing with you the most valuable gift I ever received. A gift is a misnomer actually. All in I paid $30,000 for this. But the benefits I racked up since receiving this gift far outweigh the price I paid. 

Time freedom, money freedom, social freedom, self-love, and more are mine because of this gift. These are benefits I've received outside of my J.D. and law license. You'll want to read this all the way through to capitalize on this gift too.

When I was taking the Bar Exam, I was working, full time at a normal type of job with a normal type of salary. Of course, I wanted more pay. In fact, I was counting on an attorney's salary to help me create my next dream-come-true, passive income through rental properties.

But after years of struggling with the Bar, I realized my life was at a complete standstill because of that one test. It was time to stop making my life all about going from one Bar Exam iteration to the next.

After taking the bar exam for the third time, I still had a good amount of time to wait between the Bar Exam test day and results day, and then some more time before I would get my license in hand. I decided to use that time differently than I had before. I attempted to rework my dream for real estate to make it possible on my current salary. Besides if I failed (again) I didn't want my life to be completely on hold.

Turns out that pursuing my real estate dreams was completely feasible with what I already had at my disposal. I realized that I, and only I, was the reason why my life had been on hold--not law school, not the Bar, not my ex, not my parents--it was all me.

I got to work making my passive income dreams come true and were so on fire for life that I had to be reminded to check for bar exam scores on release day.

Are you waiting for Bar Exam Results?

The best thing you can do right now is to shift your focus to your next goal. Start executing the steps or at least do the planning that is required to achieve that thing. You don't have to wait for your law license to have a full and exciting life.

I haven't told you the gift yet. First I need you to do something. Write down what you want to achieve next, something that isn't conditioned on the law license. I know some of you got tunnel vision while going through law school-you had to in order to keep your eye on the prize and avoid distraction, but now I invite you to open back up your landscape and look at ALL areas of your life and what you would like to see happen for you next. Meditate on that thing, journal about it, dream about it, and declare it. 

(If you’re reading this as an article know that there is a club of happy goal-getters who are being supported by me to work on new goals while they wait for exam scores and they are getting this article via email)

In the next email, I'm going to share a few secrets with you that I want you to directly apply to this new thing that you have chosen to do. You'll be able to accomplish your new goal despite any lack of time, money, support, or education.  In preparation for that, go write your goal down okay?

Do it now.

Talk soon.
