Last Minute Mindset Tip for Bar Exam Anxiety

Are you taking the Bar this July?

Well, I have a very short, sweet, to-the-point tip. Call it a last-minute mindset tip for bar exam takers.

Now, this blurb is not for everyone. This is for the people who are struggling, right now, with fear, self-doubt, and anxiety.

For the next few days suspend disbelief.

Suspend disbelief in your ability to do it and just say, “You know what? There's no other way this can end. I'm definitely passing this exam.” And just do that.

Just hold that in your mind for the next 10 days or so.

After it's all done, you can be as woe-is-me as you want to. But, from now until the days of the bar exam, suspend disbelief and hold onto the knowing that you're going to pass and that's all there is to it.

If you find that a bit too difficult to bridge to right now, then just start off with, "You know what? It's very possible that I'll score high enough to pass."

So, again, this is not for everyone. But if your anxiety is rising and you need a trick, know that you have the power to say to yourself "Self, we're suspending disbelief for the next 10 days and we are only thinking on the fact that I'm passing--end of the story. That's it."

Whenever the negativity, the doubt, and the anxiety creeps in, just click it off saying, "Self, we've decided already this is the end game we're focusing on. I'm passing."

If you're not taking the bar exam this July but you're waiting until February (or you know someone who is), look into our Bar Exam study plan challenge.

Here, we get together for five days and we cover the four pillars that you need to explore in order to have a holistic bar exam study plan.

Get a plan that suits your personality, your drivers, your values, as well as your learning style, and more--everything that you need to address in order to have a smooth, easy, well-fitting Bar Exam study season.

So if you're taking February 2020's Bar, join us for that bar exam challenge by registering here