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Bar Exam Blind-spots
Is this you on the Bar Exam?
…Setira took no true mental switch-offs like going out, talking with friends and doing things she liked (not reading—no more reading-EVER).
Setira was lonely. Her brain was overworked. And even though she knew she wanted, no Needed, to pass the Bar, her efforts were becoming increasingly scattered and disorganized. She thought things would get better as she got closer to the Bar. That things would kick into high gear. The only thing that kicked into high gear was her anxiety. Because, on top of not making much meaningful progress with her studies, she was also running out of time. All that extra time she thought she bought herself...wasted.
Setira was sure that after taking and barely failing the Bar before, she could hunker down, do what was needed and make up the small gap. But as the time approached she noticed some nagging thoughts in her head. “I went all out the last time and I didn’t pass. How do I know I’m doing it right this time?” Hmm, could this be some of the mindset stuff Jennifer was talking about inside the support group?
For Setira that question the tip of a large glacier that was about to sink her Titanic. And she was helpless to (1) see it coming or (2) do anything to steer clear of it—on her own that is.
If you’re in the support group, you know the resolution to this story. Setira decided to use the resources in front of her, booked a call with Jennifer and joined her coaching program. With the options and price plans to choose from Setira didn’t try to justify not joining by using the the money excuse. She realized if she didn’t join, it would be purely because she wasn’t ready to be an attorney yet, because otherwise, she *would* go all out to pass.
You see for Setira, there was no alternative. She knew her mindset was throwing her off. She should’ve seen it weeks ago with her study habits and imbalanced lifestyle. Luckily, she had started studying early enough that when she realized she better stop trying to make it on her own, there was still time to join Journey, the group coaching program, for the July Bar.
Now, in her group program she had a community of people, all studying for the Bar and shifting mindset. They were in the same boat and it was comforting. She had people to encourage her, who actually knew what they were talking about, knew what it was like to be retaking the Bar, not just speaking empty words. She could get suggestions from people who had experience with her study tools and her type of study schedule. Balancing family relationships, work and life while studying for the Bar was no joke. And she could get a loving snap back to reality if she started to go off the deep end.
Best of all the group was moderated and coached, encouraged and instructed by someone trained and experienced to see the mindset issues from a mile away, lovingly point them out and help the group member shift. It made studying so much easier. It took the whole stay positive stay focused pressure off them. They didn’t have to figure it out ALL by themselves! They had enough with the studying part. Now they could take direction see what was happening and change direction whenever they lost their mindset way. What a relief!
Despite her pressure-filled Bar study schedule, Setira made new friends and contacts because, hey, when you go through stuff together, those friends stick. She loved that she could turn directly to the mindset coach whenever she needed deep help. With daily email support she could “get it out” whenever necessary and she always got fresh perspective and real directions to get her over the hump (or back her off the cliff) and back to her studies. The best was that time when she didn’t even realize what was holding her back was a mindset issue and not her fiancé’s attitude and behaviors. Jennifer showed her that situation was really about and got Setira back on track in short order.
That saved Setira a LOT of time that she Knew she would’ve wasted flailing around—and maybe failing the Bar. She looked forward to the chance to get weekly coaching support directly from a Bar Exam Mentor. And she had her questions ready before the call. She was gonna get all the mindset support she could out of this course. This stuff was setting her up for Life!
Listening to others get support helped her immensely because, frankly there were some things she just didn’t have the courage to bring up—and she was glad someone else did. Because she needed to hear that answer.
Setira counts herself blessed she found the Bar Exam Support group and heard of Journey before the timer ran out.
Learn more about our group program Journey to Bar Exam Success.