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Get started with a Successful Exam MINDSET.

Goal Getter


Use mindset support in conjunction with your academic study support to do this right the first time. The right exam mindset is how you utilize your energy and resources wisely during study season. It’s the pathway to increased control, confidence, and calm on your exam day.

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A Confidence Kickstart call brings clarity about what's happening and how to solve it; igniting confidence to pass your exam! We’ll get on a call for 30 minutes to discuss what’s happening in your approach to the exam, mentally and emotionally, that is threatening to sabotage you.

Get help to shift from being the “little”, frantic you:

  • Inundated with tasks

  • Troubled with anxiety

  • Fighting to keep worry at bay,

  • Struggling to stay positive while you study for the exam

and learn to shift into the bigger more powerful you that is logical, methodical, secure, and consistent. Get rid of that nagging fear at the back of each exam taker’s mind that is cutting into your study concentration…

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What if I don’t pass?

That thought cuts away at your memory and recall ability. It drains your focus. It has you doing futile tasks that don’t get you any closer to passing just because “staying busy feels better”. That’s on top of all the other non-study distractions you have going on.


Think you’re doing okay without addressing mindset?

You could be doing so much better.

Many people are unconsciously dedicating 50% or more of their energy trying to

“stay positive”.

Instead, they could get to the root of the negativity and eliminate it, freeing up that energy to do something better—like study. But if you don’t know the real root of the feelings, you can’t change things. You need clarity on what’s blocking you and slowing your efforts now.


Shift into the right mindset so that you can prepare peacefully for the your exam. During our Confidence Kickstart call, you’ll get a road map and a strategy to do just that. Then you’ll take a stand for yourself, making a firm decision on how to proceed peacefully on your academic journey.

Taking your Exam is money, time, and effort investment to be maximized. Avoid having to do it again.

Leave this exam in the past! 
