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Pass the Bar Exam with Ease:

Get the Coaching You Need to Succeed

head in hands from bar exam preparation

Are you struggling to balance work, family, and bar prep?

Do you find yourself overwhelmed by anxiety and self-doubt?

We understand - preparing for the bar exam is no easy feat.

But imagine a different scenario. Imagine feeling calm and focused as you approach the bar exam. Imagine being confident in your abilities and fully prepared for any challenge that comes your way. With our expert coaching program, you can make this vision a reality.

Our coaching program is designed to help you overcome your biggest obstacles and achieve your goals.

We know that the bar exam isn't just about academic knowledge - it's about mindset, stamina, and the ability to stay motivated in the face of adversity.

That's why our coaching program is focused on these critical areas.


With our expert coaching, you'll learn how to:

Break through your mental blocks and limiting beliefs

Develop a personalized study plan that fits your unique needs and schedule

Boost your confidence and overcome anxiety and self-doubt

Stay motivated and focused even when the going gets tough

Imagine feeling fully supported and empowered as you prepare for the bar exam.

Imagine having a coach who understands your struggles and is dedicated to helping you succeed.

With our coaching program, you can have all of this and more.

  • getting answers in real time, (cause you have a coach)

  • being confident in your study approach, (cause you have a coach)

  • getting proof and encouragement that your studying sessions are working, (cause you have a coach)

  • walking this bar path with caring, generous bar takers, who are all rooting for you—along with your coach.

Imagine you can deeply understand why

  • your bar prep,

  • your practice scores,

  • your memory,

  • your recall, and

  • your life,

hasn’t supported you passing.


You could hack the subconscious mind, and make it work for you, and not against you?


Instead of the blind leading the blind, you get

  • company,

  • connection, and

  • encouraging motivation in a comfortable community…

led by a bar exam expert—someone who’s helped other bar passers, just like you, to obliterate your mindset blocks, get on track, and stay consistent to pass the bar.

Do you want that...?




Your caring and supportive bar exam adventure to passing your bar.

Using my years of experience on what bar takers really need to pass the bar, I made a nurturing bar exam experience that will feed your heart and expand your mind so you’re ALL the way full by exam day--mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

With a full tank, you can pass the bar.

Don't let the bar exam hold you back any longer. Join Bar Prep Connect today and get the expert support you need to pass with ease. With our proven coaching methods and personalized approach, you can finally overcome your biggest challenges and achieve your dream of becoming a licensed attorney.

Sign up now and take the first step towards bar exam success.


Limited time pricing available only until 3/15/2023


Is there more you want to know?  

In our sessions you’ll learn:

  1. How to know if your studying is working—even if your scores aren’t going up yet

  2. How to sharpen your memory and increase retention so no minute is wasted

  3. The perfect balance of study and rest so you stay energized all the way to bar exam day 

  4. The instant mood lifter—so the emotional roller coaster doesn’t take you out 

With me you’ll get:

  1. Instant feedback so you’re not wasting hours googling

  2. Study guidance so you can skip all the trial and error

  3. Troubleshooting so we finally fix what had been going wrong 

  4. With our community you’ll get:

  5.  A mutually beneficial study partnership

  6. Freedom to be yourself

  7.  Life advise for all the non-study stuff that affects your bar exam 

  8. The help you actually need (no cookie-cutter advice)

What you can expect: 

  • You’ll start breezing through study sessions

  • You’ll see practice scores go up

  • You’ll realize “I’ve got this”

  • You’ll put 100 towards study (not splitting your energy between trying to “stay in the game” and learning) 

  • You’ll feel better during the study and on exam day 


Our sessions are on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm. We continue every week until the bar exam.

You’ll get daily support with your A/B if you choose to have one.

You’ll have full email coaching access to me. 

New this year is that the Pre-Bar Calming Circle will only be open to paying clients.

Need a Payment Plan?