I’m concerned with how I will get clarity, overcome my blocks, balance all my responsibilities, and study efficiently, much less, take care of my health, be happy and at peace, while trying to pass Bar. 

First of all, don’t ‘try’—‘DO’.  I will tell you the truth about what’s standing in the way of your success, and how to get past it, so you can take the action you need to pass the Bar.  You may not like what I have to tell you – but you can be sure I will always, lovingly, tell you the truth.  I’m the mentor who will honestly and gently lead you to face those things that are getting in your way.  I have a system for doing so that works every time. So, if you’re willing to commit to the program, show up for yourself, be coached and take action—you won’t be ‘trying’, you’ll be ‘doing’ those things in no time.

I think i can get this on my own if you just point me in the right direction.

The truth today is, if you were able to do it on your own, you would have already done it by now.  If you could see your problems for yourself you would be spending time fixing them, not reading this page. In Beat the Bar!™ you get to learn and implement the strategies to uncover your shadow, get past resistance, pass the Bar and get on with your life. 

You get a shortcut, a laid out road map, tested and proven paint by numbers strategy curated by me, someone who has not only been where you are, but also spent years and tens of thousands studying how the mind works in these situations and how to overcome barriers, quickly and efficiently, so you can get back to studying and confidently pass the Bar.

If you’re willing to dedicate the amount of time and energy I did to learn and practice the science of the mind and human psychology, on top of studying for the Bar, and you’ve got the wherewithal to firmly kick yourself in the pants to follow-through on what needs to be done, you can click off this page in peace, with my blessings. But if any part of you doubts, or simply doesn’t want to take on that burden on top of needing to study for and pass the Bar Exam, you’re in the right to keep reading.

Also, I don’t take every client. Being one person my schedule fills quickly. Therefore, I select clients who are most receptive to this work (it’s mindset, spiritual, not academic), the ones who click with me (it’s necessary, this is heart-intensive work) and the ones who show they are able and willing to take decisive action for themselves and their future.

Heart-centered, bold action takers are the champions we need in the legal field today. I absolutely will let you stand on my shoulders to reach the heights you must achieve.                                                                   

What type of personality work best in your programs and what is expected of me?